Ace Attorney 5 releases this July in Japan

This article 🍸is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

No Western date announced just yet

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The dynamic trio of Phoenix Wright, Mr. Grumpy Gus, and Chick with a Care Bear Stare is set to invade your 3DS this summer — if you live in Japan, that is. In a about an upcoming Nico Nico Q&A session, Capcom accidentally let slip a July 25 release date. The goof has since been removed, but not before screen-grabbed the page.

No formal announcement has been made about a Western release for the 3DS courtroom drama, but Capcom did its localization intentions last year. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait long. I mean, we still haven’t heard jack all about Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney.


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