Enigma of Sepia anime references
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All anime refrences in Enigma of Sepia

This is wild

Enigma of Sepia has been steadily growing in popularity ꧅among mobil❀e game lovers. mostly thanks to its anime-inspired characters.

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You’ll find a lot of popular anime and mangas represented by the different characters in the game, but with a strange twist. This list will help you to understand if your favorite anime and manga series are already in the game or not.

All anime characters in Enigma of Sepia

Before we dive into the list, it’s important to note that all the characters are inspired by the original lore. While their names and appearances are ‘different’ from the source material, you shouldn’t have any trouble identifying them at first glance.

NameRarityAnime Reference
CarmillaSSR+Dio from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
SandraSSR+Sanji from One Piece
LuminaSSR+Kakashi from Naruto
GiselleSSR+Gilgamesh from the Fate franchise
MorganaSSR+Emiya from the Fate franchise
DeniseSSRDenji from Chainsaw Man
Nora ZoranaSSRZoro from One Piece
CrimsonSSRAlucard from Hellsing
Ivy LynnSSREVA-01 from Neon Genesis Evangelion
MentoraSSRReigen from Mob Psycho 100
BipolarisSSRKen Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
ScientiaSSRSenku from Dr. Stone
SylphyraSSRSasuke from Naruto
RoyelleSSRRoy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist
GinaraSSRGintoki from Gintama
NaldraSSRNatsu Dragneel from Fullmetal Alchemist
VesperaURVegeta from Dragon Ball Z
EclipseaURItachi from Naruto
YukariURSukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen
ErenorUREren from Attack on Titan
ChronisSPJotaro from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
SatoriaSPGojo from Jujutsu Kaisen
SanguinaSPSukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen
Little SaiSRNaruto
LeviaSRLevi from Attack on Titan
Aqua SeraSRTanjiro from Demon Slayer
Lena FrostSRIchigo from Bleach
EldwynSREdward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist
SylviaSRLight from Deathnote
Little RasiSRNaruto from Boruto
YurinaSRYuji Itadori from Jujutsu Kaisen
NovaSRLuffy from One Piece
Dr. LorenaRLaw from One Piece
Eliza ThornRZenitsu from Demon Slayer
CheshireRKillua from Hunter x Hunter
LyraRDeku from My Hero Academia
AuroraRL from Deathnote
AlfyriaRAlphonse Eric from Fullmetal Alchemist
MirageRJoker from Persona 5

If you’re unsure which characters to use, check out our guide about the best team compositions in Enigma of Sepia.

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