Palico and Hunter Armor in MHW
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All Hunter Armor Sets and recipes in Monster Hunter Wilds

Protect yourself against the monsters!

Armor plays a crucial part in Monster Hunter Wilds, protecting you against many elemental attacks. We’re here to show all Armor Sets and their recipes to help you survive through this courageous journey.

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All Hunter Armor Sets and ingredients in Monster Hunter Wilds

You’ll initially acquire three sets of Armor with Hope, Leather, and Chainmail. These recipes don’t require ingredients, but you must exchange money to obtain different variants. Once you’ve taken down your first monster, you can start carving its pieces to unlock new Armor Sets in Monster Hunter Wilds. The more you progress through the main campaign, the more you’ll discover new enemy types.

Collecting pieces from Chatacabra Carcass
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While most ingredients come from the monsters you hunt, there are a few resources you can gather through exploration. These include ore and bones scattered throughout the game’s regions. Your Hunter’s Guild teammate, Gemma, is there to assist you in crafting armor for you and your Palico companion, providing the support you need to succeed. Make sure to seek her out at Base Camp. We’ll provide a detailed breakdown of each MHW Armor Set and the ingredients required to craft them. You’ll have access to the Low Rank sets initially, then uncover High Ranks during the endgame.

Low Rank Armor Sets

Bone Armor Set

Bone Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Bone Helm x1 Mystery Bone100 Z
Bone Mailx1 Mystery Bone100 Z
Bone Vambracesx1 Mystery Bone100 Z
Bone Coilx1 Mystery Bone100 Z
Bone Greavesx1 Mystery Bone100 Z

Bulaqchi Armor Set

Bulaqchi Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Bulaqchi Specsx2 Bulaqchi Shell100 Z

Talioth Armor Set

Talioth Vambraces in MHW
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Talioth Vambracesx1 Talioth Scale
x1 Sharp Fang
100 Z

Chatacabra Armor Set

Chatacabra Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Chatacabra Helmx2 Chatacabra Scale
x1 Chatacabra Jaw
200 Z
Chatacabra Mailx2 Chatacabra Scale
x2 Chatacabra Hide
x1 Chatacabra Shell
200 Z
Chatacabra Vambracesx2 Chatacabra Hide
x2 Chatacabra Shell
200 Z
Chatacabra Coilx1 Chatacabra Certificate
x2 Chatacabra Scale
x1 Chatacabra Jaw
x2 Sharp Fang
200 Z
Chatacabra Greavesx1 Chatacabra Jaw
x1 Chatacabra Shell
x1 Mystery Bone
200 Z

Quematrice Armor Set

Quematrice Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Quematrice Helmx1 Quematrice Certificate
x1 Quematrice Tail
x1 Quematrice Igniter
x1 Iron Ore
200 Z
Quematrice Mailx1 Quematrice Igniter
x2 Quematrice Crest
x1 Quematrice Tail
200 Z
Quematrice Bracesx2 Quematrice Scale
x1 Quematrice Igniter
200 Z
Quematrice Coilx2 Quematrice Hide
x1 Quematrice Crest
200 Z
Quematrice Greavesx2 Quematrice Scale
x2 Quematrice Hide
x1 Quematrice Crest
200 Z

Alloy Armor Set

Alloy Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Alloy Helmx1 Machalite Ore
x1 Iron Ore
200 Z
Alloy Mailx1 Machalite Ore
x1 Iron Ore
200 Z
Alloy Vambracesx1 Machalite Ore
x1 Iron Ore
200 Z
Alloy Coilx1 Machalite Ore
x1 Earth Crystal
200 Z
Alloy Greavesx1 Machalite Ore
x1 Earth Crystal
200 Z

Piragill Armor Set

Piragill Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Piragill Greavesx1 Piragill Fin
x2 Machalite Ore
200 Z

Vespoid Armor Set

Vespoid Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Vespoid Helmx1 Vespoid Shell
x1 Mystery Bone
200 Z
Vespoid Mailx1 Vespoid Shell
x1 Mystery Bone
200 Z
Vespoid Vambracesx1 Vespoid Shell
x1 Vespoid Wing
200 Z
Vespoid Coilx1 Vespoid Shell
x1 Monster Fluid
200 Z
Vespoid Greavesx1 Vespoid Shell
x1 Vespoid Wing
200 Z

Barina Armor Set

Lala Barina Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Lala Barina Headgearx2 Lala Barina Floret
x1 Lala Barina Mucus
200 Z
Barina Mailx2 Lala Barina Floret
x2 Lala Barina Shell
x1 Lala Barina Stinger
200 Z
Barina Vambracesx2 Lala Barina Shell
x1 Lala Barina Claw
200 Z
Barina Coilx1 Lala Barina Mucus
x1 Lala Barina Claw
x1 Lala Barina Stinger
200 Z
Barina Greavesx1 Lala Barina Certificate
x2 Lala Barina Floret
x1 Lala Barina Mucus
x1 Monster Fluid
200 Z

Conga Armor Set

Conga Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Conga Helmx2 Congalala Claw
x1 Vibrant Pelt
400 Z
Conga Mailx2 Congalala Pelt
x1 Congalala Claw
x1 Vibrant Pelt
400 Z
Conga Vambracesx1 Congalala Fang
x1 Vibrant Pelt
x1 Machalite Ore
400 Z
Conga Coilx2 Congalala Pelt
x1 Congalala Fang
400 Z
Conga Greavesx1 Congalala Certificate
x1 Congalala Pelt
x1 Congalala Fang
x1 Congalala Pelt
400 Z

Balahara Armor Set

Balahara Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Balahara Helmx2 Balahara Scale
x1 Balahara Skull
400 Z
Balahara Mailx2 Balahara Scale
x1 Balahara Shell
x1 Balahara Tail
400 Z
Balahara Vambracesx1 Balahara Skull
x1 Balahara Tail
x1 Aqua Sac
400 Z
Balahara Coilx1 Balahara Certificate
x2 Balahara Scale
x1 Balahara Shell
x1 Balahara Black Pearl
400 Z
Balahara Greavesx2 Balahara Shell
x1 Balahara Skull
400 Z

Doshaguma Armor Set

Doshaguma Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Doshaguma Helmx2 Doshaguma Fur
x2 Doshaguma Hide
x1 Doshaguma Fang
x1 Herbivore Shell
400 Z
Doshaguma Mailx2 Doshaguma Fur
x1 Doshaguma Claw
400 Z
Doshaguma Bracesx2 Doshaguma Hide
x1 Doshaguma Fang
400 Z
Doshaguma Coilx1 Doshaguma Claw
x2 Doshaguma Fang
x1 Sturdy Bone
400 Z
Doshaguma Greavesx1 Doshaguma Certificate
x2 Doshaguma Fur
x1 Doshaguma Claw
x1 Brute Bone
400 Z

Ingot Armor Set

Ingot Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Ingot Helmx1 Dragonite Ore
x1 Machalite Ore
400 Z
Ingot Mailx1 Dragonite Ore
x1 Earth Crystal
400 Z
Ingot Vambracesx1 Dragonite Ore
x1 Machalite Ore
400 Z
Ingot Coilx1 Dragonite Ore
x1 Earth Crystal
400 Z
Ingot Greavesx1 Dragonite Ore
x1 Firestone
400 Z

Kranodath Armor Set

Kranodath Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Kranodath Mailx1 Kranodath Skull
x1 Charred Oilbone
400 Z

Rompopolo Armor Set

Rompopolo Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Rompopolo Helmx1 Rompopolo Hide
x1 Claw
x1 Rompopolo Beak
500 Z
Rompopolo Mailx2 Rompopolo Hide
x1 Spotted Poison Hide
500 Z
Rompopolo Vambracesx1 Spotted Poison Hide
x1 Rompopolo Beak
x1 Poison Sac
500 Z
Rompopolo Coilx1 Rompopolo Certificate
x2 Rompopolo Hide
x1 Spotted Posion Hide
x1 Dragonite Ore
500 Z
Rompopolo Greavesx2 Rompopolo Claw
x1 Rompopolo Beak
500 Z

Nerscylla Armor Set

Nerscylla Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Nerscylla Helmx1 Nerscylla Certificate
x1 Rubbery Hide
x1 Nerscylla Chelicera
x1 Sleep Sac
500 Z
Nerscylla Mailx2 Nerscylla Claw
x1 Nerscylla Spike
500 Z
Nerscylla Vambracesx2 Nerscylla Shell
x1 Nerscylla Claw
x1 Nerscylla Spike
500 Z
Nerscylla Coilx1 Nerscylla Chelicera
x1 Nerscylla Spike
x1 Rubbery Hide
500 Z
Nerscylla Greavesx2 Nerscylla Shell
x1 Nerscylla Chelicera
500 Z

Hirabami Armor Set

Hirabami Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Hirabami Headdressx1 Hirabami Webbing
x1 Hirabami Tail Claw
x1 Frost Sac
500 Z
Hirabami Mailx2 Hirabami Hide
x1 Hirabami Tail Claw
500 Z
Hirabami Vambracesx2 Hirabami Scale
x1 Hirabami Webbing
500 Z
Hirabami Coilx2 Hirabami Scale
x1 Hirabami Hide
x1 Hirabami Tail Claw
500 Z
Hirabami Greavesx1 Hirabami Certificate
x2 Hirabami Scale
x1 Hirabami Webbing
x1 Frozen Iceborne
500 Z

Ajarakan Armor Set

Ajarakan Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Ajarakan Helmx1 Ajarakan Certificate
x1 Ajarakan Tail
x1 Ajarakan Jewel
x1 Ajarakan Marrow
500 Z
Ajarakan Mailx2 Ajarakan Scale
x1 Ajarakan Jewel
500 Z
Ajarakan Vambracesx2 Ajarakan Scale
x2 Ajarakan Shell
x1 Ajarakan Ridge
500 Z
Ajarakan Shellx2 Ajarakan Shell
x1 Ajarakan Ridge
500 Z
Ajarakan Greavesx1 Ajarakan Jewel
x1 Ajarakan Ridge
x1 Ajarakan Tail
500 Z

Guardian Seikret Armor Set

Guardian Seikret Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
G. Seikret Coilx2 Guardian Seikret Feater
x1 Tough Guardian Bone
700 Z

Uth Duna Armor Set

Uth Duna Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Duna Helmx1 Uth Duna Certificate
x2 Uth Duna Scale
x1 Uth Duna Plate
x1 Guardian Blood
1,000 Z
Duna Mailx1 Uth Duna Cilia
x1 Uth Duna Tentacle
x2 Uth Duna Claw
x1 Guardian Scale
1,000 Z
Duna Vambracesx2 Uth Duna Hide
x1 Uth Duna Tentacle
x1 Guardian Pelt
1,000 Z
Duna Coilx2 Uth Duna Scale
x1 Uth Duna Cilia
1,000 Z
Duna Greavesx2 Uth Duna Scale
x2 Uth Duna Hide
x1 Uth Duna Claw
1,000 Z

Rey Dau Armor Set

Rey Dau Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Rey Sandhelmx2 Rey Dau Scale
x2 Rey Dau Shell
x1 Rey Dau Thunderborn
1,000 Z
Rey Sandmailx2 Rey Dau Scale
x1 Rey Dau Wingtalon
1,000 Z
Rey Sandbracesx1 Rey Dau Wingtalon
x1 Rey Dau Thunderhorn
x1 Rey Dau Tail
x1 Guardian Scale
1,000 Z
Rey Sandcoilx2 Rey Dau Shell
x1 Rey Dau Thunderborn
x1 Guardian Pelt
x1 Wingdrake Hide
1,000 Z
Rey Sangreavesx1 Rey Dau Certificate
x1 Rey Dau Tail
x1 Rey Dau Plate
x1 Guardian Blood
1,000 Z

Nu Udra Armor Set

Nu Udra Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Udra Mirehelmx2 Nu Udra Hide
x1 Nu Udra Spike
x1 Nu Udra Horn
1,000 Z
Udra Miremailx1 Nu Udra Certificate
x2 Nu Udra Hide
x1 Nu Udra Cerebrospinal Fluid
x1 Guardian Blood
1,000 Z
Udra Mirebracesx2 Nu Udra Hide
x1 Nu Udra Oilmucus
1,000 Z
Udra Mirecoilx1 Nu Udra Oilmucus
x1 Nu Udra Tentacle
x1 Nu Udra Horn
x1 Guardian Scale
1,000 Z
Udra Miregreavesx2 Nu Udra Spike
x1 Nu Udra Tentacle
x1 Guardian Pelt
x1 Charred Oilbone
1,000 Z

Guardian Doshaguma Armor Set

Guardian Doshaguma Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
G. Doshaguma Helmx2 Guardian Doshaguma Fur
x2 Guardian Doshaguma Hide
x1 Guardian Doshaguma Fang
800 Z
G. Doshaguma Mailx2 Guardian Doshaguma Fur
x1 Guardian Doshaguma Claw
800 Z
G. Doshaguma Bracesx2 Guardian Doshaguma Hide
x1 Guardian Doshaguma Fang
800 Z
G. Doshaguma Coilx1 G. Doshaguma Certificate
x2 Guardian Doshaguma Fur
x1 Guardian Doshaguma Claw
x1 Guardian Blood
800 Z
G. Doshaguma Greavesx1 Guardian Doshaguma Claw
x1 Guardian Doshaguma Fang
x1 Guardian Pelt
800 Z

Guardian Rathalos Armor Set

Guardian Rathalos Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
G. Rathalos Helm x1 G. Rathalos Certificate
x2 Guardian Rathalos Scale
x1 Guardian Rathalos Shell
x1 Guardian Rathalos Plate
800 Z
G. Rathalos Mailx2 Guardian Rathalos Shell
x1 Guardian Rathalos Webbing
800 Z
G. Rathalosx2 Guardian Rathalos Scale
x2 Guardian Rathalos Shell
x1 Guardian Rathalos Tail
800 Z
G. Rathalosx2 Guardian Rathalos Scale
x1 Guardian Rathalos Webbing
800 Z
G. Rathalosx1 Guardian Rathalos Webbing
x1 Guardian Rathalos Tail
x1 Guardian Scale
800 Z

Guardian Ebony Armor Set

Guardian Ebony Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
G. Ebony Helmx1 Guardian Ebony Claw
x1 Guardian Ebony Fang
x1 Guardian Ebony Tail
800 Z
G. Ebony Mailx2 Guardian Ebony Sinew
x1 Guardian Ebony Fang
800 Z
G. Ebony Bracesx2 Guardian Ebony Scale
x2 Guardian Ebony Sinew
x1 Guardian Ebony Fang
800 Z
G. Ebony Coilx1 G. Ebony Odogaron Certificate
x1 Guardian Ebony Tail
x1 Guardian Ebony Claw
x1 Guardian Ebony Plate
800 Z
G. Ebony Greavesx2 Guardian Ebony Scale
x1 Guardian Ebony Claw
800 Z

Xu Wu Armor Set

Xu Wu Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Xu Wu Helmx2 Xu Wu Hide
x2 Golden Corneum
x1 Xu Wu Fang
x1 Tough Guardian Bone
800 Z
Xu Wu Mailx2 Golden Corneum
x1 Xu Wu Tentacle
800 Z
Xu Wu Vambracesx2 Xu Wu Hide
x1 Xu Wu Claw
800 Z
Xu Wu Coilx1 Xu Wu Certificate
x2 Xu Wu Hide
x1 Xu Wu Claw
x1 Xu Wu Cerebrospinal Fluid
800 Z
Xu Wu Greavesx1 Xu Wu Claw
x1 Xu Wu Tentacle
x1 Xu Wu Fang
800 Z

Guardian Arkveld Armor Set

Guardian Arkveld Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
G. Arkveld Helmx1 Guardian Blood
x2 Guardian Rathalos Webbing
x1 Guardian Scale
1,500 Z
G. Arkveld Mailx1 Guardian Blood
x2 Guardian Ebony Claw
x3 Tough Guardian Bone
1,500 Z
G. Arkveld Vambracesx1 Guardian Blood
x2 Guardian Scale
x2 Guardian Seikret Feather
1,500 Z
G. Arkveld Coilx1 Guardian Blood
x2 Guardian Doshaguma Claw
x1 Guardian Pelt
1,500 Z
G. Arkveld Greavesx1 Guardian Blood
x2 Guardian Pelt
1,500 Z

All Monster Hunter Wilds High Rank Armor Sets

Hope α Armor Set

Hope a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Hope Mask αx2 Sturdy Bone
x1 Iron Ore
2,500 Z
Hope Mail αx1 Sturdy Bone
x1 Earth Crystal
2,500 Z
Hope Vambraces αx2 Sturdy Bone
x1 Earth Crystal
2,500 Z
Hope Coil αx1 Sturdy Bone
x1 Iron Ore
2,500 Z
Hope Greaves αx3 Sturdy Bone2,500 Z

Leather α Armor Set

Leather a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Leather Headgear αx1 Guardian Pelt2,500 Z
Leather Mail αx1 Guardian Pelt
x1 Machalite Ore
2,500 Z
Leather Gloves αx1 Guardian Pelt
x1 Machalite Ore
2,500 Z
Leather Belt αx1 Guardian Pelt2,500 Z
Leather Pants αx1 Guardian Pelt
x1 Machalite Ore
2,500 Z

Chainmail α Armor Set

Chainmail a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Chainmail Headgear αx1 Guardian Scale
x1 Icium
2,500 Z
Chainmail Armor αx1 Guardian Scale2,500 Z
Chainmail Gloves αx1 Guardian Scale
x1 Icium
2,500 Z
Chainmail Belt αx1 Guardian Scale2,500 Z
Chainmail Pants αx1 Guardian Scale
x1 Icium
2,500 Z

Bone α Armor Set

Bone a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Bone Helm αx1 Quality Bone
x1 Frozen Iceborne
2,500 Z
Bone Mail αx1 Quality Bone
x1 Charred Oilbone
2,500 Z
Bone Vambraces αx1 Quality Bone
x1 Frozen Iceborne
2,500 Z
Bone Coil αx1 Quality Bone
x1 Tough Guardian Bone
2,500 Z
Bone Greaves αx1 Quality Bone
x1 Charred Oilbone
2,500 Z

Alloy α Armor Set

Alloy a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Alloy Helm αx1 Carbalite Ore
x3 Dragonite Ore
2,500 Z
Alloy Mail αx1 Carbalite Ore
x2 Dragonite Ore
2,500 Z
Alloy Vambraces αx1 Carbalite Ore
x3 Dragonite Ore
2,500 Z
Alloy Coil αx1 Carbalite Ore
x2 Dragonite Ore
2,500 Z
Alloy Greaves αx1 Carbalite Ore
x2 Dragonite Ore
2,500 Z

Bulaqchi α Armor Set

Bulaqchi a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Bulaqchi Specs αx5 Bulaqchi Carapace2,500 Z

Bulaqchi β Armor Set

Bulaqchi B Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Bulaqchi Specs βx5 Bulaqchi Carapace2,500 Z

Talioth α Armor Set

Talioth a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Talioth Vambraces αx3 Talioth Scale+
x2 Acute Fang
2,500 Z

Talioth β Armor Set

Talioth a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Talioth Vambraces βx3 Talioth Scale+
x2 Acute Fang
2,500 Z

Paragill α Armor Set

Paragill a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Paragill Greaves αx3 Paragill Fin+
x2 Carbalite Ore
2,500 Z

Paragill β Armor Set

Paragill B Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Paragill Greaves βx3 Paragill Fin+
x2 Carbalite Ore
2,500 Z

Vespoid α Armor Set

Vespoid a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Vespoid Helm αx2 Vespoid Carapace
x3 Monster Broth
2,500 Z
Vespoid Mail αx2 Vespoid Carapace
x2 Vespoid Innerwing
2,500 Z
Vespoid Vambraces αx2 Vespoid Carapace
x3 Vespoid Innerwing
2,500 Z
Vespoid Coil αx2 Vespoid Carapace
x2 Quality Bone
2,500 Z
Vespoid Greaves αx2 Vespoid Carapace
x1 Quality Bone
2,500 Z

Vespoid β Armor Set

Vespoid B Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Vespoid Helm βx2 Vespoid Carapace
x3 Monster Broth
2,500 Z
Vespoid Mail βx2 Vespoid Carapace
x2 Vespoid Innerwing
2,500 Z
Vespoid Vambraces βx2 Vespoid Carapace
x3 Vespoid Innerwing
2,500 Z
Vespoid Coil βx2 Vespoid Carapace
x2 Quality Bone
2,500 Z
Vespoid Greaves βx2 Vespoid Carapace
x1 Quality Bone
2,500 Z

Kranodath α Armor Set

Kranodath a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Kranodath Mail αx4 Kranodath Skull+
x2 Firecell Stone
2,500 Z

Kranodath β Armor Set

Kranodath B Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Kranodath Mail βx4 Kranodath Skull+
x2 Firecell Stone
2,500 Z

Kut-Ku α Armor Set

Kut-Ku a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Kut-Ku Helm αx2 Kut-Ku Scale+
x2 Kut-Ku Wing
x1 Monster Keebone
3,000 Z
Kut-Ku Mail αx1 Yian Kut-Ku Certificate S
x2 Kut-Ku Scale+
x1 Kut-Ku Wing
x1 Firecell Stone
3,000 Z
Kut-Ku Vambraces αx1 Yian Kut-Ku Certificate S
x3 Kut-Ku Carapace
x1 Giant Beak
3,000 Z
Kut-Ku Coil αx1 Yian Kut-Ku Certificate S
x3 Giant Beak
x1 Kut-Ku Ear
x1 Inferno Sac
3,000 Z
Kut-Ku Greaves αx2 Kut-Ku Scale+
x2 Kut-Ku Carapace
x1 Kut-Ku Wing
x1 Kut-Ku Ear
3,000 Z

Kut-Ku β Armor Set

Kut-Ku b Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Kut-Ku Helm βx2 Kut-Ku Scale+
x2 Kut-Ku Wing
x1 Monster Keebone
3,000 Z
Kut-Ku Mail βx1 Yian Kut-Ku Certificate S
x2 Kut-Ku Scale+
x1 Kut-Ku Wing
x1 Firecell Stone
3,000 Z
Kut-Ku Vambraces βx1 Yian Kut-Ku Certificate S
x3 Kut-Ku Carapace
x1 Giant Beak
3,000 Z
Kut-Ku Coil βx1 Yian Kut-Ku Certificate S
x3 Giant Beak
x1 Kut-Ku Ear
x1 Inferno Sac
3,000 Z
Kut-Ku Greaves βx2 Kut-Ku Scale+
x2 Kut-Ku Carapace
x1 Kut-Ku Wing
x1 Kut-Ku Ear
3,000 Z

Comaqchi α Armor Set

Comaqchi a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Comaqchic Accessory αx5 Comaqchi Carapace2,500 Z

Comaqchi β Armor Set

Comaqchi B Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Comaqchic Accessory β x5 Comaqchi Carapace2,500 Z

Chatacabra α Armor Set

Chatacabra a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Chatacabra Helm αx2 Chatacabra Scale+
x1 Chatacabra Jaw+
x1 Stoutbone
3,000 Z
Chatacabra Mail αx1 Chatacabra Certificate S
x2 Chatacabra Carapace
x1 Quality Bone
3,000 Z
Chatacabra Vambraces αx2 Chatacabra Scale+
x2 Chatacabra Hide+
x1 Chatacabra Jaw+
x1 Chatacabra Carapace
3,000 Z
Chatacabra Coil αx1 Chatacabra Certificate S
x3 Chatacabra Hide+
x1 Chatacabra Carapace
3,000 Z
Chatacabra Greaves αx1 Chatacabra Certificate S
x2 Chatacabra Scale+
x1 Chatacabra Jaw
x1 Wingdrake Hide+
3,000 Z

Chatacabra β Armor Set

Chatacabra b Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Chatacabra Helm βx2 Chatacabra Scale+
x1 Chatacabra Jaw+
x1 Stoutbone
3,000 Z
Chatacabra Mail βx1 Chatacabra Certificate S
x2 Chatacabra Carapace
x1 Quality Bone
3,000 Z
Chatacabra Vambraces βx2 Chatacabra Scale+
x2 Chatacabra Hide+
x1 Chatacabra Jaw+
x1 Chatacabra Carapace
3,000 Z
Chatacabra Coil βx1 Chatacabra Certificate S
x3 Chatacabra Hide+
x1 Chatacabra Carapace
3,000 Z
Chatacabra Greaves βx1 Chatacabra Certificate S
x2 Chatacabra Scale+
x1 Chatacabra Jaw+
x1 Wingdrake Hide+
3,000 Z

Quematrice α Armor Set

Quematrice a Armor Set
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Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Quematrice Helm αx1 Quematrice Certificate S
x2 Quematrice Igniter+
x2 Quematrice Hide+
x1 Quality Bone
3,000 Z
Quematrice Mail αx1 Quematrice Certificate S
x1 Quematrice Crest+
x1 Quematrice Tail
x1 Firestone
3,000 Z
Quematrice Braces αx3 Quematrice Scale+
x3 Quematrice Hide+
x1 Quematrice Igniter+
x1 Quematrice Crest+
3,000 Z
Quematrice Coil αx1 Quematrice Certificate S
x2 Quematrice Hide+
x1 Quematrice Crest+
3,000 Z
Quematrice Greaves αx3 Quematrice Scale+
x1 Quematrice Igniter+
x1 Monster Keenbone
3,000 Z

Quematrice β Armor Set

Quematric a Armor Set
Screenshot by Destructoid
Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Quematrice Helm βx1 Quematrice Certificate S
x2 Quematrice Igniter+
x2 Quematrice Hide+
x1 Quality Bone
3,000 Z
Quematrice Mail βx1 Quematrice Certificate S
x1 Quematrice Crest+
x1 Quematrice Tail
x1 Firestone
3,000 Z
Quematrice Braces βx3 Quematrice Scale+
x3 Quematrice Hide+
x1 Quematrice Igniter+
x1 Quematrice Crest+
3,000 Z
Quematrice Coil βx1 Quematrice Certificate S
x2 Quematrice Hide
x1 Quematrice Crest+
3,000 Z
Quematrice Greaves βx3 Quematrice Scale+
x1 Quematrice Igniter+
x1 Monster Keenbone
3,000 Z

Barina α Armor Set

Barina a Armor Set
Screenshot by Destructoid
Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Barina Helm αx1 Lala Barina Certificate S
x3 Lala Barina Carapace
x2 Lala Barina Claw
3,000 Z
Barina Mail αx2 Lala Barina Floret+
x2 Lala Barina Carapace
x1 Lala Barina Mucus+
x1 Lala Barina Stinger+
3,000 Z
Barina Vambraces αx1 Lala Barina Certificate S
x1 Lala Barina Claw
x1 Lala Barina Stinger+
x1 Monster Broth
3,000 Z
Barina Coil αx2 Lala Barina Floret+
x2 Lala Barina Mucus+
x2 Carbalite Ore
3,000 Z
Barina Greaves αx1 Lala Barina Certificate S
x2 Lala Barina Floret+
x1 Lala Barina Mucus+
x1 Novacrystal
3,000 Z

Barina β Armor Set

Barina a Armor Set
Screenshot by Destructoid
Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Barina Headgear βx1 Lala Barina Certificate S
x3 Lala Barina Carapace
x2 Lala Barina Claw+
3,000 Z
Barina Mail βx2 Lala Barina Floret+
x2 Lala Barina Carapace
x1 Lala Barina Mucus+
x1 Lala Barina Stinger+
3,000 Z
Barina Vambraces βx1 Lala Barina Certificate S
x1 Lala Barina Claw+
x1 Lala Barina Stinger+
x1 Monster Broth
3,000 Z
Barina Coil βx2 Lala Barina Floret+
x2 Lala Barina Mucus+
x2 Carbalite Ore
3,000 Z
Barina Greaves βx1 Lala Barina Certificate S
x2 Lala Barina Floret+
x1 Lala Barina Mucus+
x1 Novacrystal
3,000 Z

Conga α Armor Set

Conga a Armor Set
Screenshot by Destructoid
Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Conga Helm αx2 Congalala Pelt+
x1 Congalala Fang+
x1 Stoutbone
3,000 Z
Conga Mail αx2 Congalala Pelt+
x2 Congalala Claw+
x1 Congalala Fang+
x1 Vibrant Pelt+
3,000 Z
Conga Vambraces αx1 Congalala Certificate S
x1 Vibrant Pelt+
x2 Conga Pelt+
3,000 Z
Conga Coil αx1 Congalala Certificate S
x3 Congalala Claw+
x1 Vibrant Pelt+
3,000 Z
Conga Greaves αx1 Congalala Certificate S
x2 Congalala Pelt+
x1 Congalala Fang+
x1 Acute Fang
3,000 Z

Conga β Armor Set

Conga B Armor Set
Screenshot by Destructoid
Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Conga Helm βx2 Congalala Pelt+
x1 Congalala Fang+
x1 Stoutbone
3,000 Z
Conga Mail βx2 Congalala Pelt+
x2 Congalala Claw+
x1 Congalala Fang+
x1 Vibrant Pelt+
3,000 Z
Conga Vambraces βx1 Congalala Certificate S
x1 Vibrant Pelt+
x2 Conga Pelt+
3,000 Z
Conga Coil βx1 Congalala Certificate S
x3 Congalala Claw+
x1 Vibrant Pelt+
3,000 Z
Conga Greaves βx1 Congalala Certificate S
x2 Congalala Pelt+
x1 Congalala Fang+
x1 Acute Fang
3,000 Z

Rompopolo α Armor Set

Rompopolo a Armor Set
Screenshot by Destructoid
Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Rompopolo Helm αx1 Rompopolo Certificate S
x3 Rompopolo Claw
x1 Rompopolo Beak+
3,000 Z
Rompopolo Mail αx2 Rompopolo Hide+
x2 Spotted Poison Hide+
x1 Monster Keenbone
3,000 Z
Rompopolo Vambraces αx1 Rompopolo Hide+
x2 Rompopolo Claw+
x1 Spotted Poison Hide+
x1 Rompopolo Beak+
3,000 Z
Rompopolo Coil αx1 Rompopolo Certificate S
x2 Rompopolo Hide+
x2 Spotted Poison Hide+
x1 Kranodath Skull+
3,000 Z
Rompopolo Greaves αx1 Rompopolo Certificate S
x2 Rompopolo Beak+
x1 Toxin Sac
3,000 Z

Rompopolo β Armor Set

Rompopolo B Armor Set
Screenshot by Destructoid
Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Rompopolo Helm βx1 Rompopolo Certificate S
x3 Rompopolo Claw
x1 Rompopolo Beak+
3,000 Z
Rompopolo Mail βx2 Rompopolo Hide+
x2 Spotted Poison Hide+
x1 Monster Keenbone
3,000 Z
Rompopolo Vambraces βx1 Rompopolo Hide+
x2 Rompopolo Claw+
x1 Spotted Poison Hide+
x1 Rompopolo Beak+
3,000 Z
Rompopolo Coil βx1 Rompopolo Certificate S
x2 Rompopolo Hide+
x2 Spotted Poison Hide+
x1 Kranodath Skull+
3,000 Z
Rompopolo Greaves βx1 Rompopolo Certificate S
x2 Rompopolo Beak+
x1 Toxin Sac
3,000 Z

Nercylla α Armor Set

Nercylla a Armor Set
Screenshot by Destructoid
Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Nercylla Helm αx2 Nercylla Carapace
x1 Nercylla Shear
x2 Monster Broth
3,500 Z
Nercylla Mail αx1 Nercylla Certificate S
x1 Nercylla Shear
x2 Nercylla Claw+
x1 Bird Wyvern Gem
3,500 Z
Nercylla Vambraces αx3 Nercylla Carapace
x3 Nercylla Claw+
x1 Nercylla Shear
x1 Nercylla Spike+
3,500 Z
Nercylla Coil αx1 Nercylla Certificate S
x2 Nercylla Claw+
x2 Nercylla Spike+
x2 Comaqchi Carapace
3,500 Z
Nercylla Greaves αx1 Nercylla Certificate S
x1 Nercylla Spike+
x2 Rubbery Hide+
x1 Coma Sac
3,500 Z

Nercylla β Armor Set

Nercylla B Armor Set
Screenshot by Destructoid
Armor PiecesRequired ResourcesRequired Cost
Nercylla Helm βx2 Nercylla Carapace
x1 Nercylla Shear
x2 Monster Broth
3,500 Z
Nercylla Mail βx1 Nercylla Certificate S
x1 Nercylla Shear
x2 Nercylla Claw+
x1 Bird Wyvern Gem
3,500 Z
Nercylla Vambraces βx3 Nercylla Carapace
x3 Nercylla Claw+
x1 Nercylla Shear
x1 Nercylla Spike+
3,500 Z
Nercylla Coil βx1 Nercylla Certificate S
x2 Nercylla Claw+
x2 Nercylla Spike+
x2 Comaqchi Carapace
3,500 Z
Nercylla Greaves βx1 Nercylla Certificate S
x1 Nercylla Spike+
x2 Rubbery Hide+
x1 Coma Sac
3,500 Z

There are likely a few Armor Sets missing from this collection, so I’ll be updating this guide as I discover new monsters in the endgame.

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Image of Kristina Ebanez
Kristina Ebanez
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Kristina has been a video game lover ever since she saw Solid Snake get under that cardboard box in Metal Gear Solid. She continues to show off her love for gaming and has been writing about it for more than two years. Aside from the Metal Gear Solid series, she enjoys playing The Sims, Call of Duty, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Horizon Forbidden West, Minecraft, and many more.