Amazon changes PS Vita ship date to March 31, 2012

This ar🐓tic♔le is over 13 years old and may contain outdated information

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Well, I should calm down. We knew this, right? There was already some indication that it would be a spring 2012 release. It’s just a bummer to see more solid evidence. 

Amazon ♚has changed the ship date for the from December to March 31, 2012. Several customers saw e🍨mailers from the web giant last night informing them of the date adjustment. , which also teased with a December date earlier in the year, has also changed their ship date to March 31. Even if we knew better than to expect a December release, I think we were all hoping that it would at least be some time right after the Japanese release of December 17. 

So much for “early 2012” now.

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