Guys are gross
Ask any gay guy you know with a smartphone if he knows what Grindr is and he will tell you all about the popular hookup app for men that have sex with men; from the unsolicited dick pics, to the creepy married men trying to pay for sex. Even knowing the kind of garbage I’ll be sent on Grindr, I find myself opening it a few times a day. Maybe I’m a masochist or maybe I just enjoy looking into the void of dicks. I’m not sure.
Shaun Kitchener decided to do a little experiment on Grindr by quoting the one-liners from trainers in Pokémon Fire Red instead of engaging in real conversations. He has chronicled his adventures, including many censored face and cock pictures. As you’d expect, if you aren’t familiar with gay sex. Like, how many of you know what a “rim stool” is? I wish I didn’t.
[Shaun Kitchener]
Published: Oct 15, 2015 10:30 pm