Atomic Heart Atmosphere Mick Gordon

Atomic Heart composer Mick Gordon to donate fees to Red Cross for Ukraine

A new development in the controversy surrounding Mundfish

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Mick Gordon, the composer for Mundfish’s upcoming FPS, Atomic Heart, has announced that he will be donating the fees her received for scoring the game to the Austrailian Red Cross’ Ukraine Crisis Appeal for use in their humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

The announcement is significant as it comes following the concern that developer Mundfish is allegedly supported by investors with hands in Russia’s war in Ukraine; or that funds from Atomic Heart’s sales may directly help the Russian government. While Mundfish is based in Cyprus, there have been allegations that it’s mainly .

Moreover, the studio allegedly has with Russian state-owned energy co✤rporation Gazprom. While nothing has been directly proven, a lot of have bee💛n brought up, and Mundfish hasn’t exactly to set the record straight itself, stating that it simply does “.”

While Mick Gordon has not specifically commented on these accusations, this move is at least one that may help offset some of the concerns. However, it’s not the same as if Mundfish itself donated proceeds to aid Ukraine. I would encourage you to do your own research into Mundfish’s connection with the war in Ukraine, reach your own conclusions, and decide for yourself if purchasing Atomic Heart is reasonably moral for you.

Mick Gordon has scored titles such as Wolfenstein: The New Order, Killer Instinct, and Doom Eternal. Atomic Heart is available Fe💙bru๊ary 21 for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.