Atomic Heart combat trailer

Atomic Heart shows off more of its combat in new trailer

The power of technology and a fistful of bullets

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First-person action RPG Atomic Heart has a new trailer today, showcasing the upcoming game’s combat. And from wild powers to melee weapons and guns, it looks like you’ll have a pretty fun arsenal to play with in this game.

Developer Mundfish released today, spotlighting how the player can fight against hordes of mech🐎anized combatants. They look pretty dangerous, from the regular automated grunts to giant bosses.

Atomic Heart is set in a future where a failure at a Soviet facility has led to a machine uprising. As Major P-3, you have to go🐓 💫in, minimize consequences, and prevent critical info from leaking.

You’ll need weapons though, to deal with all the angry robots. And it looks like you get a pretty decent variety of them. Atomic Heart is absolutely giving me BioShock vibes, in a very good way. Freezing enemies and lifting them into the air with your power-charged glove, then battering them with a makeshift melee weapon looks like a bla🦩st.

Atomic punk

We’ve been seeing bits and pieces of Atomic Heart over the last few years, as Mundfish has continued to work away on the project. We’ve seen combat, exploration, story, and even one very unsettling clown enemy. Not looking forward to that fight in particu💫lar.

It’s a game that’s continued to impress me a little more each time I see new footage. And from what we saw today, it really does seem like Atomic Heart is coming together well.

The quest𒀰ion at this point is, when will it launch? Mundfish published the trailer today, alongside a tweet that says it will launch on console and PC in late 2022.

It looks like this holiday sea♑son might see us freeziꩵng, smashing, and bashing robots in this retro-future universe.

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Image of Eric Van Allen
Eric Van Allen
Senior Editor
Senior Editor - While Eric's been writing about games since 2014, he's been playing them for a lot longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, digging into an indie gem, or hanging out around the Limsa Aethryte.