Behold! The TtWaV videos, album, and contest ALL FOR YOU

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[Talking to Women about Videogames is a series where Jonathan Holmes talks to different people who are women about the biggest videogame news of the week for some reason.]

So here we go! , that weird show I was doing every week for a while there, has given birth to not one but two music videos and double length albums of amazing music (). Contributing artists include  (Super Meat Boy, HAWP), (The One-Ups, Dtoid EiC), (VVVVVV), (Mount and Blade, Gratuitious Space Battles), (Bit.Trip, Alien Hominid), and many many more. I know you’re probably tempted to just jump to the artists you know, but I highly recommend that you also focus on the stuff from the album’s up-and-comers. This track by is a perfect example. It chokes me up every time. So beautiful! 

A portion of the album’s sales will go to charity, as quite a few of the artists who contributed music to the project have asked that their share of the profits go to a good cause. If you want to contribute to the album too, it’s not too late! You wont get paid, but if you want to record something for it just for fun, let me know. The album never needs to stop growing. If you need help, see the attached sheet music via .

As for the videos, they are a labor of love and have already proven powerful enough to and . The one seen above features the unplugged mix of the TtWaV theme, the one below features the XXX mix. Like the songs they represent, the videos share a lot of the same content but are still pretty different. If it weren’t for the creative magic of Sir Tobbii, McNyers, Linzb0t, Captain Carrion, and McFlyGold, none of it co🌺uld have happeꦍned. You guys nailed it. I love you.

Now, onto the potentially profitable stuff for you! It’s contest time! Details below!

So yeah, if you can name everything I have in the case, and every videogame that’s represented in one way or another in the two  TtWaV videos, then you’ll win a bunch of stuff. To be frank, I don’t think that will be possible for anyone to do. There is just too much stuff in the case that’s partially obscured from view. You’d need to get into some serious “” action to see it all. 

That said, it doesn’t hurt to guess, and you can guess as many times as you want. U.S. adresses only though. Sorry! You have until Feb. 14th 2012!

Just PM me with your list of stuff that you’ve found, and whoever has the most right answers will win:

  • That giant Oshawott plushie seen in the video and the Skyward Sword review from the Dtoid show
  • Five tokens
  • Something from “the briefcase”
  • A picture of E.T. and a giant phallis
  • A $20 3DS eShop points card
  • A VHS copy of Ed and his Dead Mother (starring Steve Buscemi’s eyes)
  • This
  • Some Cooking Mama bling
  • An unopened copy of Urban Reign for the PS2 (featuring Tekken‘s Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law)
  • A Pokemon Black/White themed DS carrying case
  • A Wii Sports Resort frisbee
  • A shirt that I wore on the Dtoid show

Two runner-ups will get:

  • One of the Tetris wall stickers from
  • A drawing of anything you want

… and whatever other stuff I can find lying around the house that I think you might like (for both the winners and runner-ups). I’m also going to try to put together a special CD/DVD of the TtWaV series and album, but no promises on that. I’ll do my best, though.

So that’s that, the end of one era of TtWaV. Thanks again to everyone for watching and being involved&nb﷽sp;with this thing. I love you all for 🎉real!

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Image of Jonathan Holmes
Jonathan Holmes
Destructoid Contributor - Jonathan Holmes has been a media star since the Road Rules days, and spends his time covering oddities and indies for Destructoid, with over a decade of industry experience "Where do dreams end and reality begin? Videogames, I suppose."- Gainax, FLCL Vol. 1 "The beach, the trees, even the clouds in the sky... everything is build from little tiny pieces of stuff. Just like in a Gameboy game... a nice tight little world... and all its inhabitants... made out of little building blocks... Why can't these little pixels be the building blocks for love..? For loss... for understanding"- James Kochalka, Reinventing Everything part 1 "I wonder if James Kolchalka has played Mother 3 yet?" Jonathan Holmes