Jianxin in Wuthering Waves
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Best Jianxin build in Wuthering Waves – Weapons, Echoes, and Team Compositions

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Jianxin is one of Wuthering Wave’s most interesting characters for several reasons. If you’re interested in building her from the ground up, here’s a guide to inform you of everything you need to know about her.

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Strongest Jianxin Build in Wuthering Waves

Jianxin is an Aero character who doesn’t have a clear-cut role like most characters do. Thanks to her incredibly versatile kit, Jianxin can play any role in any given team comp, most of which can be done with one set of gear. You’ll still want to build her with a focus on DPS though, as she is capable of putting out a considerable amount while playing any given role.

If you read any of the descriptions of her abilities, Jianxin looks like one of the most complicated characters in the whole game. However, she is relatively simple to play at a general level, as most of her character-defining mechanics are tied to her charged Heavy Attack, Primordial Chi Spiral, and the resource that fuels it, Chi.

Jianxin from her trailer - Wuthering Waves
Image via Kuro Games

Primordial Chi Spiral is a three-stage charged Heavy Attack that requires a full bar of Chi to even activate. Once you do, holding the button down will cause Jianxin to emit a high-damage, pulsing field until her Chi has emptied, or you let go of the Heavy Attack. There are three thresholds on her Chi bar that, when reached, 🎶pulse a massive burst of damage and provide a shield. The longer the Primordial Chi Spiral is held, the more damage it deals, and the more shielding she gets. The shield prevents damage, as expected, but also heals the active member of her party every coup🐠le of seconds.

As you can see, Jianxin’s Heavy Attack does a ton of stuff all on its own, but I should also mention her Ultimate ability, Purification Force Field. This ability creates a large AOE (Area of Effect) field for a few seconds that pulls in enemies near its location. She also has access to a powerful counterattack via her Skill, Calming Air, which is useful for high-streඣss combat scenarios.

With that, you now have a strong understanding of her core kit, so let’s actually talk about how to build her.

Best Echoes for Jianxin

In Wuthering Waves, you generally want to use one of two Echo layouts to build a character. The strongest loadout setup is “4, 3, 3, 11”, with each number referring to the cost of the Echo. However, this setup can be time-consuming to assemble due to RNG tied to 3-cost Echoes. Alternatively, you can run “4, 4, 1, 1, 1”, which is much cheaper and less dependent on RNG.

Jianxin Ape Echo - Wuthering Waves
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With Jianxin being an Aero character, I recommend running 5-piece Sierra Gale, as the setup provides a massive boost to her overall damage when she is summoned to the field via a teammate’s Outro skill. You can also run 5piece Moonlit Clouds for the extra Energy Rechange and support buffs it provides to the rest of your team. Finally, you can choose to run 5-piece Rejuvenating Glow, which provides a massive ATK% damage boost to herself and the rest of her team when she heals. Regardless of which set you choose, build her with a focus on damage.

For your main Echo, you have two choices: Feilian Beringal or Cyan-feathered Heron.

  • Feilian Berginal – Gives Jianxin a powerful burst attack that deals significant Aero damage and buffs her Aero damage.
  • Cyan-feathered Herson – Provides Jianxin with a gap-closer that deals decent Aero damage, and interrupts the special attacks of enemies. Interruptible attacks glow red just before they’re used.

Both options are s꧑olid and have their use cases; I would not bother with any o𒈔ther Echoes beyond these.

Best Team Comps for Jianxin

Jianxin’s role in a team is to deal damage, provide support, and group enemies together; so everything, really. This means she slots into just about every possible team comp you can imagine. However, because she does everything decently well, she isn’t a specialist in any given role, which can be problematic at times. For example, despite her dealing solid damage, she is better suited to being a sub-DPS than a main one. This can be said for all of the roles she plays.

Jianxin Team Comp - Wuthering Waves
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Calcharo is one of her best teammates because of the Resonace Liberation buff she provides him, giving him a huge damage boost during his🌸 Ultimate. Jianxin, in a Calcharo team, acts more like support.

Jiyan is another one of her best teammates aওs, similar to Calcharo, he deals most of his damage during his Ult𓃲imate.

Mortefi is one Jianxin’s strongest supports when she is played as a DPS, because his Ultimate procs off every damage instance of her Primordial Chi Spiral, resulting in a massive influx of Mortefi attacks. Literally, fireworks, folks. I urge you to try it out.

Verina is a universally beloved support that is good on any team, and that includes all teams with Jianxin on it as well. She provides♑ significant ATK% buffs, a cheat death, and major healing to any team. She also has a very short Concerto window (the time it takes to proc Intro/Outro skills) due to how much she gains for being out on the field for a short time. Just an incredible character all around.

Best Weapons for Jianxin

Jianxin only has two truly viable weapons for her to use at this time. The first is Abyss Surges, the standard 5* Gauntlet. This one has an enormous amount of ATK% and ATK, which improves the scaling of all of her abilities. It also comes with a bit of Energy Regen, which is useful for Jianxin to get her Ultimate back faster. Ideally, this is the weapon you’ll want to get for your Jianxin.

Jianxin's weapon - Wuthering Waves
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Stonard is the next best option, the Battlepass 4* Gauntlet. While not as directly potent as Abyss Surges, it has CRIT RATE as its secondary stat, which is significant for making use of CRIT DMG. Additionally, it provides a significant damage boost to Jianxin’s Ultimate when her Skill, Calming Air, is used.

Both of these weapons are not easy to obtain, so if you don’t have either, you can use Hollow Mirage, which can be pulled from any gacha roll. There’s also the craftable 4* Gauntlet, Gauntlets#21D, which uniquely buffs the damage of her✃ cou⛦nterattack by 50%.

Best Sequences for Jianxin in Wuthering Waves

Jianxin is a powerful character already at S0 (Sequence 0), but every one of her additional Sequences you get adds a large amount of power to her overall kit. A good stopping point would be S2, but toꦬ paint you the full picture of what I mean, here are all six of her S💛equences summed up, for your reference.

Jianxin's Sequences - Wuthering Waves
Image by Destructoid
  • Verdant Branchlet (S1) – When subbed in from a Concerto Skill, Jianxin generates 100% more Chi from Basic Attacks. This doesn’t seem like much, but it actually solves her inability to gain Chi quickly when needed. This is a big game-changer for her gameplay.
  • Tao Seeker’s Journey (S2) – Calming Air gets an additional charge. Big for her burst damage, and big for preventing damage entirely, more often. Also, since she can use her Skill twice with this, she gains twice the Concerto Energy for a potential Outro skill activation.
  • Principles of Wuwei (S3) – Calming Air’s counterattack activates its full effect if it is held down for 2.5 seconds. While this is a potentially strong mechanic to have, it is the weakest of her Sequences, as you should never need to use this if you’re using her counter correctly.
  • Multitude Reflection (S4) – After you use Primordial Chi Spiral, her next Ultimate deals 80% more damage. This buff lasts for 14 seconds. I don’t think I need to tell you that 80% more damage is massive, but here you go. It’s massive.
  • Mirroring Introspection (S5) – Boost the range of her Ultimate by 33%. This makes it even easier to group up enemies. Just a nice Sequence to have.
  • Truth from Within (S6) – Essentially, allows you to tap Primordial Chi Spiral and gain its full effects, including a fully-empowered shield. The resulting attack from the tap also does an additional 556.67% of Jianxin’s ATK, and counts as a Heavy Attack. So, you pretty much never need to hold Primordial Chi Spiral against single targets, and gives Jianxin a bursty attack as an extra.

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Darrus Myles
Darrus, a seasoned guide writer and indie developer with nearly a decade under his belt, plunges into the gaming realm like a knight charging into battle (albeit with a trusty keyboard instead of a sword). With RPGs as his domain, he fearlessly slays industry challenges, turning every obstacle into XP for his quest to game domination.