BioWare’s Dragon Age save-import tool sounds great

This article is over 11 yearsꦓ old and m🉐ay contain outdated information

Customize your world in preparation for Inquisition

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Now that the Dragon Age series has adopted the Frostbite engine and will be releasing on next-generation consoles, the matter of transferring players’ save data to Dragon Age: Inquisition is not a simple one. But, for us, it will be — even for brand new players.

That’s thanks to the Dragon Age Keep, an initiative that allows you to customize your world — your decisions from Origins and Dragon Age II, even if you didn’t play those titles — and then import it into the upcoming game.

“An additional benefit offered by moving to the cloud is being able to fix issues in plot logic, which historically we have not been able to do because of client side complexity or platform holder limits,” writes executive producer Mark Darrah. “Under the hood, the Keep has a logic validator which ensures you’ll always have a valid world state free from errors and conflicts.”

As it stands, BioWare hasn’t figured out how to incorporate existing save files to populate the Keep, but that is the end goal. Sign-ups for the beta, which is expected to start in early 2014, are currently open on the .

[BioWare — Thanks, Glowbear]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.