Brighter Shores The Lost Shipment quest guide

Brighter Shores: The Lost Shipment quest guide

A very lengthy but worthwhile quest in Hopeport

Alongside the Main Quest in Brighter Shores, each of the four regions have five unique and exclusive quests that can be completed for various rewards and to work towards completing the zone. In Hopeport, the first quest you can tackle is The Lost Shipment. We’ve put together an extensive The Lost Shipment quest guide to help you complete the entire questline.

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While you can pick up this quest at any time by visiting Brannof’s Dining Room in Hopeport, there are a few requirements to actually completing the quests. In order to catch a Fetid Flounder you’ll need Level 25 Fishing, and to fight enemies at the end of the quest you’ll need a certain Guard level and some equipment. You’ll also need some Silver and Copper at various points of the quest to progress. These are the full requirements to complete The Lost Shipment in Brighter Shores:

How to start The Lost Shipment quest

You can start The Lost Shipmen quest in Brighter Shores by heading to Brannof’s Dining Room located on the western side of Hopeport. From the Town Square, head west onto Brannof Boulevard and then west again into the building called Brannof Hall. Head west one more time into the next room and you will be in Brannof’s Dining Room.

Inside Brannof’s Dining Room you will find the NPC Cohen, who starts The Lost Shipment. He tells you that a shipment of weapons is missing and tasks you with finding it before informing you that you should follow up with Captaini Shirker of the ship the Vincible who is currently docked at port. He also hints that a patron of the Hooked Hand tavern probably has a lead as well.

Speaking with the Clientele of The Hooked Hand

The Hooked Hand can be found on the beachfront in southern Hopeport. From the Town Square, head south across the Eel Street Bridge then further south across Eel Street until you reach the Central Waterfront. On the northern side of the Central Waterfront, to tꦯhe left of the entrance back to Eel Street, you will find The Hooked Hand.

Inside The Hooked Hand you’ll find several NPCs you can speak to: Nelson, Wellington, Harris Slant, and Grood the Barkeeper. The two sitting at the table on the right, Wellington and Nelson, are who you need to speak to. However, they aren’t too keen on speaking to a Guard of Hopeport, which you are, so you need to appear more presentable.

Unequip all of your weapons and armor and then speak to Wellington and Nelson. Choose the option ‘I wish I could find a seller of Carthian plumbatae.’ The two seem confused and think it’s a fruit, but thankfully the other NPC in The Hooked Hand, Harris Slant, overhears your conversation and offers a lead: a dangerous man known as The Illusion.

You’ll have to communicate with The Illusion in secret through the Frequently Fresh Sish Stall on Eel Street, but to send a message you’ll first need a Fetid Flounder.

How to catch a Fetid Flounder for The Lost Shipment
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How to catch a Fetid Flounder for The Lost Shipment

In order to catch the Fetid Flounder quest item in Brighter Shores you need to be at least Level 25+ in Fishing. Head south of Hopeport to the coast then west until you reach Sea Road. From here, head North to the Overgrown Pond. Inside the small pond here you will see a single Fetid Flounder swimming around. As long as you have Level 25+ Fishing and a Fishing Spear, you can catch the Fetid Flounder. Now it’s time to write out the actual Carthian plumbatae order to The Illusion.

How to write an order to The Illusion

The second part of contacting The Illusion is to write a note with your order for the Carthain plumabatae to put inside the Fetid Flounder. Head north to the Guard Outpost in Hopeport, and then into Captain Degreene’s Office. On the desk behind Degreene you will see both a Paper and a Ink and Quill. Pick them both up which will add them to your Toolbelt.

Now click on either the Ink and Quill or Pape🐓r on your Toolbelt and choose to use it with the other. When asked what message to writ𝄹e, choose to place an order for 2 Carthian plumbatae.

Sell the Fetid Founder to the Fishmonger and hide nearby
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Sell the Fetid Founder to the Fishmonger and hide nearby

Both the Fetid Flounder and the Weapons Order will be in your quest-related inventory located in the top right corner after clicking on The Lost Shipment quest. Click on either one of them and then choose ‘Use Item On’ and choose the other item to combine them. You will get a confirmation that you stuffed the note into the Fetid Flounder.

Head back to the Fishmonger in the center of Hopeport and choose to Talk to him. Choose the option ‘Would you be interested in this Fetid Flounder?’ to which he will offer you 98 copper. Not exactly big money, but that’s not your intent here.

Once you’ve handed over the Fetid Flounder, you’ll notice the Bush to the left of the Fishmonger can now be interacted with. Do so and choose ‘Lurk Behind’ to hide behind the bush which will trigger a cutscene showing a Furtive Stranger buying the Fetid Flounder from the Fishmonger.

Speak to Captain Shirker
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Speak to Captain Shirker

Follow the Furtive Stranger to the nearby Wilhope Crossing and then further East to Wilhope Passage, then immediately North to Monoob Row. You will see the Furtive Stranger head inside the building on your left. Unfortunately, you need more information to enter this building, as the current options you have when trying to get inside the locked door will not grant you entry. It’s time to do the other part of this quest.

Return South then head East into Little Square. Head south to Limpet Lane then South again to the East Waterfront. In the southeast corner you will find the Vincible, a ship docked at Hopeport. Take off your equipment and Speak with Captain Shirker on the Vincible and tell him you can entertain him somehow. If you try talking to him with your equipment on, he’ll say he doesn’t want to squabble with guards.

Captain Shirker will indicate he’d like a good meal from The Delectable Dab. Choose the option ‘Why don’t we go there now?’ and he will immediately head there. Head to The Delectable Dab which is located on the north end of town off Stone Street. Talk to Captain Shirker inside and order the Chicken Pie, and hand over the 2 Silver 760 Copper for the meal.

When Captain Shirker asks about your job, tell him you are an aspiring hero. Afterwards, ask him about his meal, and then finally tell him you heard he lost a shipment for Cohen the steward. He will get angry, after which you need to choose the option ‘You met an imposter? That’s terrible. You must be so annoyed.’ Offer to track down the imposter for him, after which he will give you the man’s description.

Track down the man in the Blue Waistcoat
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Track down the man in the Blue Waistcoat

Head to the Town Square and you will find the man in the Blue Waistcoat standing in the southwest corner. Tell him you know he recently acquired plumbatae and then tell him Captrain Shirker told you. He tells you that he gave the weapons to The Illusion who is planning to sell the weapons to the Emperor of Bevah who is sending his assistant Monobrow Sam but has been delayed by storms. However, to disguise yourself as Monobrow Sam, you’ll first need a monobrow.

Visit the Hairdresser

Head east from the Town Square to Old Street West and enter the building on the right, which is the Hairdresser. Speak with the Hairdresser and tell him you’d like a monobrow. If you’re wearing a helmet, you’ll need to remove it first. It will cost 8 Silver and 280 Copper to get the monobrow haircut. When he finishes, sure enough, your character will have a monobrow. Once you’re finished with the quest, you can return to the hairdresser to have it removed if you do not like the look.

Return to the locked door on Monob Row

Leave the Hairdresser then go East onto Old Street East and South down Tim’s Alley to Little Square then West to Wilhope Passage and north onto Monob Row. Interact with the Locked Door and say ‘I am Monobrow Sam.’ They will unlock the door so head inside and you will see a Level 30 Thief and Level 30 Furtive Stranger. Talk to the Thief and choose ‘I’d like to see these weapons.’ He will break open the crate to reveal the plumbatae to you, at which point you can tell him you’re talking them for yourself.

This will trigger combat with the Level 30 Thief so make sure you have decent Guard equipment on. I had mostly Level 15ish equipment and was a🐼 Level 20 Guard when I fought this battle. After defeating the Thief, you will heal up and then immediately fight the Furtive Stranger. It was a close battle but I won.✤ If you lose the fight simply return and the door will be opened allowing you to fight again.

The Lost Shipment quest Rewards
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The Lost Shipment quest Rewards

After defeating the enemies, your fellow guard will show up and tell you to take a set from the crate in the center of the Thieves’ Den as a reward, so make sure you do so. For completing the Lost Shipment quest you will receive the following rewards:

  • Rare Carthian Plumbatae
  • 15,600 Fisherman XP
  • 17,200 Guard XP

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Image of Steven Mills
Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.