Build your own LEGO Link, become 80% more nerdy than before

This article is over 17 years old and may cont🦩ai⭕n outdated information

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I meant to post this yesterday, but was trying to recover from partying with the crew, a recovery which consisted mainly of me rubbing my many sore spots, holding my stomach and groaning, all the while telling the blatant lie; “I’ll never drink again.” Do stay tuned to Destructoid for an exclusive PP interview from Lord Houghton. In the meantime, here’s a video that’s sure to satiate your need to be even more pitiful and geeksome than you are right now, as you learn how to build your own LEGO link in all his 8-bit glory.

After the jump, you may also garner sacred knowledge in how to fashion a Goomba from those oh-so colorful bricks of innocent joy. I once met a kid in school with a scar on his throat, apparently from when he swallowed a LEGO brick, but sadly there is no video of that. Enjoy, and in the meantime, I’ll find some real news to post. 

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