Cblogs Recap: Week 19
–Genki-JAM makes a video discussing Devil May Cry 5.
–Shoggoth2588 shares his gaming journal in the month of April.
–EnigaticRanger wonders if the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed uꦿs all closer to an all-digital future.
–Exber reviews Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy.
–Black Red Gaming reviews DOOM: Eternal.
–Gus TT Showbiz continues his odyssey into the Fallout 76 universe.
–Blanchimont reviews Final Fantasy VII: Remake on the PS4.
–BlackAdler reviews Tanglewood on the PC and the Sega Mega Drive.
–Acefondu discusses how his gaming tastes have changed as ♎he grew o✨lder.
–JoLoBird discusses with us the games that “broke” him.
–Exber discusses a few game recommenꦍdations tha𒅌t are outside of his comfort zone.
–PhilsPhindings discusses the similarities between the Chrono Trigger soundtrack and some famous pop tunes.
–Marcel Hoang shares his Anime queue for your reference in💜 this time of quarantines.
Thanks as always to Lord Spencer for this week’s Cblog Recap, and to our awesome community bloggers for their great content! If you fancy seeing yourself in next week’s roundup, then simply head over to the Community Blogs and share your thoughts with us.
Published: May 9, 2020 03:00 pm