Aww Comic-Con, the time of year where the coolest of the cool and the baddest of the bad meet up to talk about bangin’ bitches and back alley . Destructoid will be here just trying not to get a bottle broken over our head or . It’d be like blood in the water for these savage, yet beasts.
Assuming I live through the day, expect tons of coverage in a mostly sporadic and discombobulated fashion, filled with even more hatred than normal. If you’ve ever been to Disneyland during Christmas or Wal-Mart on , you’ll know why.
If you are also at the Con seeking shelter in one of the many nooks and crannies of the San Diego convention center, keep an eye out for . Her hair is blue, but that’s actually not as helpful as you may think because at Comic-Con, everyone’s hair is blue. Dtoid’s own Rain Man of Awesome Sh*t, Virtual Girl, will also be in attendance. She’ll be much easier to find because she’s the only cosplay chick who, you know, actually looks hot.
Published: Jul 27, 2007 12:39 pm