Contest: Give your Woody a Buzz with a Blu-ray copy of Toy Story 4

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Go Hamm on your Slinky, dawg

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We’ve got a Blu-ray copy of Toy Story 4 to give out, so come win it!

Toy Story 3 made me cry. Legit. It’s really good. But since I don’t like crying at movies, I decided I was going to skip any more entries in the series lest I wind up being a blubbering, emotional mess at all times. I’m known as a Really Tough And Strong Manly Man around these parts, so I gotta keep up appearances.

If you’re cool with getting emotional over animated movies, then good news! I’ve got a Blu-ray copy of Toy Story 4 to throw at you. So grab them tis☂sue𝄹s and get to leaking from your face holes, people.

So in this fourth entry of the Pixar series (man, time flies) Woody, Buzz, and some of the other classic characters find themselves with a new child to make happy. This, of course, results in shenanigans because these toys can’t seem to no get into trouble. They’ll meet new friends in a carnival, some weird dummies in an antique store, and even run into an old friend in their journey to make a spoon feel like a good toy. I’m sure they’ll do a good job, and I’m sure you’ll cry at the end.

I’m tired of crying, damn it. So just tell me if it was good after you win it.

To enter to win a copy, drop your name and emܫail address using the widget below. You can enter daily. For bonus entries, follow Dtoid and Flixist on Twitterꦗ and share our contest post with your friends.

While you’re waiting, tell us what last made you cry. Entertainment-wise, that is. Don’t roll up in here talking about losing your dog, because that’s way too heavy for me right now. Keep it focusing on movies, games, movies, or books here, people.

We have one Blu-ray copy of the movie to give out between entrants from D🔴toid and F๊lixist. You must have a United States shipping address in order to win. Winner will be drawn Monday, October 14.

Toy Story 4 is available now at major retailers, and basically anywhe☂re Disney sends movies🎀 to.

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Image of Wes Tacos
Wes Tacos
Contest Baboon, part-time Mod, full-time dick joke specialist. Destructoid's official Hot Biscuits. I've personally backed exactly one KickStarter/crowdfunding project: Sony's PlayStation, by Dtoid community member darrenhupke.