Cooking Mama gets around: 12 million units worldwide

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I’m not trying to say that Cooking Mama is easy…Wait, yes I am. When I think about it it’s clear that Cooking Mama is as easy as they come. Everyone I know has had their hands on her! I get it, though. She just has this way about her. One minute you’re chatting, and the next you’re at her house cooking her dinner. I didn’t realize that she had been with that many people. I don’t regret it, though. Cooking Mama was good to me.

505 Games says that the franchise has moved 3.5 million units across Europe, and 12 million worldwide. In the UK Cooking Mama is the top third-party game franchise on the DS. That’s a lot of cucumbers to go down on!

Mama still has some work in her yet. Cooking Mama 4 on Nintendo 3DS will launch soon.


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