Older CDPR titles won’t be getting the same optimizations, though
If you’ve wanted to explore Night City on the go around your own city, then there’s some good news: Cyberpunk 2077 has b❀een officially Verified as S𒐪team Deck compatible.
What does that mean, exactly? Well, the Verified system is a way for Valve to acknowledge which games are most compatible with its computer handheld, the Steam Deck. While many games can run, not all of them will run well. Some might have some issues with controller support, or new hitches introduced when tr✱ying to operate on the Deck.
Verified acknowledges that a game passes a certain set of standards, as outlined by Valve. This includes controller support, performance, appropriate input icons, and le🍃gible text on the in-game interf🌠ace.
So while many Edgerunners might have already been tinkering around with Cyberpunk 2077 on Valve’s handheld device, the game is now for the Steam Deck.
Can't get enough of Night City? Wish you could take it with you, wherever you go? Well now you can, because has been Verified for Deck Compatibility!
If you already have a copy of the game in your Steam Library then it's ready to run on your Steam Deck.
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame)
A new cyber deck
This guarantee of decent operation makes it a little bit easier for those who don’t want to fool around with settings and options to simply play a game on their Steam Deck. It’s a pretty good upside for anyone wanting to reacquaint themselves ahead of a possible expansion release this year, too.
While Cyberpunk 2077 got the Steam Deck treatment, though, older games in CD Projekt’s back catalog aren’t so lucky. This marks the third of CD Projekt’s games to become Steam Deck Verified, alongside The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. In today’s announcement, though, CD Projekt says there is no plan to provide additional Steam Deck optimizations for “our legacy titles.” Sad to say, I think this knocks out any Assassins of Kings hopes. But at least the Edgerunners know they can safely plug into a Steam Deck run of Cyberpunk 2077 now.
Published: Feb 28, 2023 05:00 pm