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Destiny 2: How to earn the BRAVE Title

Being BRAVE requires a whole bunch of Onslaught.

So, you’ve earned a few shiny weapons in Destiny 2 and have completed an entire Onslaught run or two. But are you truly BRAVE enough to bear the Into the Light Title? It requires an intimate familiarity with the Into the Light offerings.

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Destiny 2 Titles are the ultimate display of prowess over specific content. The currently available Titles can be viewed in the Journey tab, next to Triumphs. Each Title is sealed behind a badge requiring distinct Triumph completions to unlock. After all associated𝕴 Triumphs are completed, players can equip a Title, which will display under their in-game username.

The BRAVE Title, released alongside Into the Light, is a testament to your mastery over the content update’s offerings. Ten Triumphs make up the BRAVE Title, testing your skills in Onslaught and even requiring you to tackle the returning Exotic missions.

BRAVE Title Triumphs

Brave title event in Destiny
Image via Bungie

BRAVE Collector

Complete all Brave weapon quests – This one should come naturally to players engaging in Onslaught and farming for rolls on Brave weapons. Each quest is given by Arcite 99-40, and they’re all available now. Guardians can hasten progress by earning kills with the specified weapons while playing Onslaught.

Grimoire Gatherer VIII

Collect a Grimoire card about Empress Caiatl – When the Into the Light content up൲date was first released, the side rooms in the Hall of Champ💖ions were blocked off. As the weeks passed and more Brave weapons became available, these rooms opened up. Players will find the Empress Caiatl Grimoire card on the wall next to the Blast Furnace Attunement statue.

Lord of Reputation

Reach maximum reputation with Lord Shaxx – This Triumph is much easier than it sounds, as Shaxx’s reputation track can progress exceptionally quickly between Arcite 99-40 and his own bounties. On top of this, by the time you complete a full Onslaught run, you’ll have amassed a small fortune in rep.

The rewards for Brave onslaughts in Destiny 2
Screenshot by Destructoid

So Many Waves

Complete waves in Onslaught – To finish off this Triumph, Players will need to clear a total of 300 waves. But it’s not nearly as bad as it sounds. If players complete their 50 waves in each Onslaught attempt, then it only amounts to six runs. 

Breaking the Charge

Defeat each of the three final bosses in Onslaught – This Triumph requires players to topple all three final boss possibilities in Onslaught. If playing on Normal, the final boss is random, making it possible to complete in one week. On Legend difficulty, bosses are set and rotate weekly.

Trying to Budget

Purchase Defenses in Onslaught – Players must purchase 40 Defenses to complete this Triumph. While it cannot be done in a single run, players should have no problem finishing this Triumph while pursuing So Many Waves.

Not on Your Watch

Complete the fifth wave set in Onslaught on Normal difficulty – This Triumph requires an Onslaught completion on Normal difficulty. This may be one of the first Title Triumphs players knock out, even without realizing it.

Image via Bungie

BRAVE Weaponsmaster

Defeat opponents with Brave weapons. Defeating Guardians grants more progress – If players aren’t using the new Brave weapons, this Triumph can take some time. The best solution is to ensure Brave weapons of some kind are equipped and used while playing Onslaught for So Many Waves. PvP players can flex their skills here, potentially making less work for themselves.

Triumphant Whisper

Complete the Exotic mission “The Whisper” – Alongside Onslaught and the Brave weapons, Into the Light reintroduced two past Exotic missions. The Whisper is the first of these two and is currently available. The Exotic mission can be completed on any difficulty to 🥃secure the Triumph.


As of this writing, there is still one secret Triumph, making the Title unavailable until it’s revealed. While it’s not yet possible to earn, there’s an excellent chance the mystery Triumph will be a foil to Triumphant Whisper for the other Exotic mission returning to Destiny 2, Zero Hour. 

The Zero Hour Exotic mission will be available on May 14, and this mystery Triumph will almost certainly reveal itself simultaneously. Judging b𒁃y the Triumphant Whisper Triumph, the Zero Hour equivalent will presumably ask only for completion. So, players should be fine with earning their BRAVE Title as long as the other Triumphs are also completed.

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Image of Jonathan LoChiatto
Jonathan LoChiatto
Jonathan LoChiatto is a writer, editor, and creator with content across Destructoid, GameRant, SVG, and more. Jonathan is the creator of The Dorkweb podcast and continues to dabble in entertainment. When he's not streaming Destiny 2, he can be found digging into RPGs, strategy games, and shooters.