Destiny 2 city skyline in the Tower.
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Destiny 2 Moments of Triumph 2024 challenges, rewards, and end date

Have you been keeping up with your Destiny all year long?

Moments of Triumph has started again in Destiny 2, and it’s time to look back at 2024. The celebration happens toward the end of an expansion and rewards Guardians’ time with both in-game and real-life rewards. That said, players will want to earn whatever they can before it ends.

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Destiny 2 uses the Moments of Triumph event to celebrate all the cool things players accomplish in-game. Featuring a Title, Triumphs, and earnable rewards, Moments of Triumph highlights consistent and commendable engagement with the game. The collection of Triumph challenges covers a huge range of content from throughout 2024, including Episodic activities, Raids, Dungeons, and even the story. Thankfully, it seems that Guardians will have some time to tackle what they want for 2024’s Moments of Triumph.

Moments of Triumph Title challenges

Destiny 2 Pale Heart vista.
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Many Guardians may log in to find that they’ve already completed a sizable portion of 2024’s Moments of Triumph challenges. After all, as long as players have been engaging with the game’s major beats throughout the year, it shouldn’t take too much work to earn the 26 out of 33 completed challenges to nab the MMXXIV Title.

While many Moments of Triumph challenges are readily visible to players, some still show up as “SECRET.” These challenges are likely related to content that hasn’t been released yet, like Episode: Heresy‘s Court of Blades or the 2025 Guardian Games. As such, these entries will remain a mystery until more information is offered.

Challenge name:Description:Reward:
Moments of Triumph T-Shirt TokenComplete five Triumphs to earn a token that unlocks the 2024 T-shirt for purchase on the Bungie Store.Moments of Triumph T-Shirt Token
Reward: Ghost ShellComplete 14 Triumphs to earn the 2024 Moments of Triumph Ghost shell.Technoprotection Shell
Reward: SparrowComplete 21 Triumphs to earn the 2024 Moments of Triumph Sparrow.Flagbearer Sparrow
Light and DarknessComplete a run of each Year 7 Raid and Dungeon to earn the 2024 Raid pin. (Salvation’s Edge, Vesper’s Host, Sundered Doctrine)Light and Darkness pin Token
Cayde’s StashesFind all five of Cayde’s stashes in the Tower within the Pale Heart.None
Lots of GunsReset your vendor rank with Banshee-44.None
Onslaught MasteryComplete the fifth wave set in any Onslaught activity.None
Whisper CompletedComplete “The Whisper” Exotic mission on any difficulty.None
Zero Hour CompletedComplete the “Zero Hour” Exotic mission on any difficulty.None
Lighting the FutureReflect upon your journey and look forward to a hopeful future.None
The Final Shape – LegendaryComplete all campaign missions for The Final Shape on Legendary difficulty.Victorious Oddment Emblem
Going FastComplete each Pale Heart Cyst in under four minutes.None
InseparableReset Ghost’s vendor rank.None
Flock TogetherCollect all feathers of Light in the Pale Heart.None
SynchronicityCollect all Prismatic Aspects, Fragments, and abilities on a single character.None
Salvation’s EdgeComplete any version of the Salvation’s Edge Raid.Edification Emblem
Vesper’s ChampionComplete the Vesper’s Host Dungeon.Anomalous Emblem
The SunderingComplete the Sundered Doctrine Dungeon.Unsounded Depths Emblem
A New Golden AgeComplete Episode: Echoes Act III: A Resounding Truth Quest.None
More Like Research BaeComplete all of Failsafe’s Research Project Quests.Organic Specimen
Mineral ProcessingDeposite radiolite samples at Failsafe’s Radiolite Bay.Organic Specimen
Process Purged, Process CorruptedComplete both variants of the Enigma Protocol activity.None
BravissimoComplete Exotic mission “Encore.”None
Risen and FallenComplete Quests for all Acts of Episode: Revenant.None
…With a Minor in AlchemyUnlock Major Fieldwork with EidoNone
Elder ContestantComplete a full run of the Contest of Elders.None
Scorn StalkerDefeat unique bosses in Onslaught: Salvation.None
KellmakerComplete the Exotic mission “Kell’s Fall.”None
Dreadnaught CollectorCollect any type of collectibles found in Episode: Heresy activities.None
Expert NetherComplete the Nether activity on Expert difficulty.None
Chosen PathComplete the Quest “The Taken Path.”Barrow-Dyad Armory Collection Token

What rewards can you earn from Moments of Triumph 2024?

Destiny 2 Moments of Triumph 2024 shirt.
Image via Bungie YouTube

There are a slew of both tangible and digital rewards that players can earn by participating in Moments of 🌄Triumph. In-game players can earn:

  • The Technoprotection Ghost shell after completing 14 related challenges
  • The Flagbearer Sparrow after completing 21 related challenges
  • The MMXXIV Title after completing 26 related challenges

There are also other digital rewards tied to the challenges for Moments of Triumph, but these aren’t unique to the event, and players would earn them regardless the first time the Triumph is completed and redeemed. These rewards include:

  • Organic Specimen (Episode: Echoes material)
  • The Victorious Oddment Emblem for completing The Final Shape campaign on Legendary
  • The Edification Emblem for completing the Salvation’s Edge Raid
  • The Anomalous Emblem for completing the Vesper’s Host Dungeon
  • The Unsounded Depths Emblem for completing the Sundered Doctrine Dungeon

Finally, there are several rewards that player🐓s can take with them after they log off the game. Bungie typically offers some kind of clothing item ༺or collectible to celebrate events, and this Moments of Triumph is no different. The physical rewards Guardians can earn are:

  • A Moments of Triumph 2024 T-shirt for completing five related challenges
  • A Moments of Triumph 2024 MMXXIV pin
  • A Light and Darkness pin for completing Salvation’s Edge, Vesper’s Host, and Sundered Doctrine

When does Moments of Triumph 2024 end?

Destiny 2 Tree in the Tower.
Screenshot by Destructoid

Momen𒅌ts of Triumph 2024 is set to run in-game until the reset on Tuesday, May 6. That said, this is just the cutoff for when players can complete Moments of Triumph challenges. Players may still purchase available rewards from the Bungie store until June 10.

With about two mﷺonths, that should give most Guardians pl𝕴enty of time to hunt down any lingering challenges you want to complete before the event ends.

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Image of Jonathan LoChiatto
Jonathan LoChiatto
Jonathan LoChiatto is a writer, editor, and creator with content across Destructoid, GameRant, SVG, and more. Jonathan is the creator of The Dorkweb podcast and continues to dabble in entertainment. When he's not streaming Destiny 2, he can be found digging into RPGs, strategy games, and shooters.