Destiny 2 Compass Rose Shotgun
Image via Destructoid.

Destiny 2’s ‘Weightgate’ is finally being resolved, god roll guns given out to everyone

Guns galore, given out in golly goodness.

As you’re undoubtedly aware if you play Destiny 2, a minor controversy has been afoot over the past couple of weeks. The Weightgate, as it’s come to be known, suggests that there have been some serious RNG Perk weighting problems that Bungie’s been overlooking, but the fix is coming soon.

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More specifically, Bungie has not only acknowledged that something’s up with the way certain Legendary weapons drop but also promised full-fledged reparations to all players. The fix is dropping on November 5 as part of Hotfix, and it’s a real doozy. Not only should this resolve any and all Perk weighting in the future, but it also comes with a real treat: an assortment of top-tier god roll Legendary weapons that were affected by the RNG problems.


A fix for Destiny 2’s RNG Perk weighting problems is coming, but don’t forget to claim your fancy new god roll guns

Even though Bungie initially said that there was “no perk weighting active for any legendary weapon perks in Destiny 2,” this was quickly refuted by the community’s research on the matter. It doesn’t seem like anything malicious was afoot, but rather that there might’ve been some interlocking RNG systems messing about with one another. Whatever the case may be, the community’s insistence on having Bungie look into it has borne fruit, and build should no longer be affected.

With that all out of the way, Banshee-44 is about to become the most popular kid on the block for a little while. To apologize for the RNG shenanigans, Bungie is set to provide all players of Destiny 2 with an opportunity to stock up on some of the best weapons we could’ve wished for. Here’s the full list of curated Legendary weapons coming to Banshee-44 on November 19:

  • Rose Handcannon: Fluted Barrel / Accurized Rounds / Slideshot / Explosive Payload / Smooth Grip / Handling Masterwork
  • Multimach SMG: Polygonal Rifling / Tactical Mag / Attrition Orbs / Kinetic Tremors / Reload Masterwork
  • Indebted Kindness Sidearm: Smart Drift Control / Tactical Mag / Loose Change / Voltshot / Velocity Masterwork
  • Compass Rose Shotgun: Corkscrew Rifling / Light Mag / Snapshot Sights / Slideshot / Handling Masterwork
  • Adept Hothead Rocket Launcher: Hard Launch / Impact Casing / Tracking Module / Clown Cartridge / Reload Masterwork
  • VS Chill Inhibitor Heavy Grenade Launcher: Countermass / Spike Grenades / Envious Arsenal / Bait & Switch / Reload Masterwork

These are remarkably potent almost across the board. I expect the VS Chill Inhibitor, in particular, to be a popular choice among those who only intend to pick up one or two of these weapons. At the same time, I also highly recommend picking up all of the featured weapons just because they’re fancy, curated rolls we might not have a chance to claim ever again.

There are some caveats to keep in mind here, too. Firstly, since some of these are Dungeon drops (like the VS Chill Inhibitor) it should go without saying that they’ll only be available to players who have the appropriate Dungeon key. Further, you’ll also need to have completed Vesper’s Host at least once to be able to claim them.

The second big caveat is that these guns won’t be around forever. Banshee-44’s inventory will only have them in stock from November 9 until December 3. Certainly, that’s plenty of time to farm more than enough resources to claim all of them, but it’s still only a limited-time deal. And a pretty generous one, at that.

“Our goal is to get you some perk combinations that were a bit harder to earn due to the bug. We do not currently have a planned deadline for acquisition, but we recommend picking these weapons up at your earliest convenience,” explains Bungie in the featured Twitter post. So, this isn’t worth dawdling about: claim the aforementioned curated rolls as soon as possible and enjoy them!

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Image of Filip Galekovic
Filip Galekovic
A lifetime gamer and writer, Filip has successfully made a career out of combining the two just in time for the bot-driven AI revolution to come into its own.