Cblogs of 10/23 to 10/29/2021
–Kerrik52 reviews Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented as part of his Traveler i൩n Playtime reviews blogs.
–Alivad the Impala continues to play Sable.
–TroyFulbuster debunks the crazy theory on Mona being Luigi’s daughter.
–Black Red Gaming shares their thoughts on Sir Brante’s Life, According to Myself and Others.
–WillowWare reviews the smartwatch game Combat Wear 2.
–Capitosus reviews Guardians of the Galaxy on the Xbox Series X.
–TroyFullbuster reviews Mario Party Superstar.
–Exber reviews A Boy and his Blob.
–Sapato64 finally beat Persona 5 Royal and shares some thoughts about that.
–ChronoLynxx opens this week’s TGIF community forum for open discussion.
Thanks to Lord Spencer for providing us with the recap! If you fancy adding your own thoughts on all things gaming, then head to the Cblogs section and have your say. It doesn’t even have to be an epic, but if you have thoughts on gaming, new or old, then share them with us and you will find yourself recapped, (or perhaps even Promo’d), next week.
Happy Halloween! Have a fun and sa𒈔fe one. Post ph💜otos if you have a costume!
Published: Oct 31, 2021 12:00 pm