Congratulations Rocky!
Update: Congratulations to RockyNoHands, our🦩 grand prize winner! A special thanks to all of our co𝔉ntestants and everyone in our community that voted. If you missed the show, .
Folks, this is not over yet — a new competition will be announced in the next two weeks as we get ready for this year’s , with a prize pool of $30,000. Stay tuned!
Over the past month, dozens of streamers – including some familiar (and impeccably sexy) faces from the – battled it out in our first ever So You Think You Can Stream competition.
The prize?෴ $5,000 (American dollars, not Dollarydoos) and a fast-track to the topﷺ 32 in Luminosity Gaming’s , where they’ll once more battle it out for an even grander prize; $100,000 and one year contract to stream with these esports titans.
Well, it’s nearly over. Tonight, the top three streamers, and a fan-ܫfavorite voted for by the community, will battle it out for the top prize.
Here’s our top three contestants:
Alongside ꦍthose three streamers will be the community’s pic♍k, !
It’s been a heck of a month, though. We’ve seen streamers dance merrily in Christmas tree costumes, folks attempting to appeal to our resident streamer – Dreezy’s – rampant mayonnaise lust, and we got a chance to hear ZombieCorps’ smooth and sultry radio-friendly voice. We also got to see PerfectlyBalancedGus’s adorable kitten during his pre-stream interview!
Cat streams are best streams.
Oh, and I guess the community was subjected to the sight of me attem༒pting to string together some vaguely-coherent commentary after a few beers, but that’s neither here nor there. Mistakes were made.
Either way, it’s going to be🌄 a great finale! So, come join us at 8PM EST on the and check out all the act🎃ion!
Published: Jul 2, 2020 09:45 am