At least I didn’t have to Augment My Preorder
While it has already been that Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s Breach mode would contain purchasable Booster Packs, the extent in which microtransactions have permeated throughout the overall game was somewhat of an unknown. Now that the game is out and on store shelves, and now that digital storefronts have been updated to reflect what purchases can be made relating to the new Deus Ex game, we can have a clearer idea as to what additional charges Square Enix have added to th🐻e overall experience.
As previously mentioned in the title, it is possible to buy packs containing currency and Praxis Kits for the single-player campaign. At this point in time, curr♛ency can be acquired in lots of 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 15,000 Credits for the price of $0.99, $4.49, $7.49 and $9.99 respectively.
Praxis Kits can be ob𝔉tained in lots of 1, 5 and 10 for the cost of $0.99, $3.39 and $6.99.
Chipsets, which serve as a form of currency for the Breach game mode, can also be purchased using real-world money. Chipsets can be used to buy Booster Packs of content, custom weapons and so onꦍ. These currently retail at $0.99, $4.49, $7.49 and $29.99 for packs of 10, 50, 100 and 500.
Alongside these microtransactions, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided currently has two weapon packs for sale. These packs are included in the $29.99 Season Paꦇ🔯ss and are as follows:
“Tactical Pack – Using distance to your advantage, eliminate your targets silently with a custom skinned Tranquilizer Rifle, the Micro Assembler Augmentation, one pack of tranquilizer ammo, 3 Smoke Grenades, and 2 Gas Grenades.”
“Assault Pack – Prepare to advance and assault the enemy with a custom skinned Battle Rifle, the Chaff Augmentation, one pack of regular Battle Rifle ammo, one pack of armor piercing Battle Rifle ammo, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 EMP Grenades.”
Considering that it’s now been proven that a significant portion of the Season Pass consists of either reskins of weapons already available in-game and content acquired through microtransactions, it seems more advisable than ever to simply wait until the two story missions the Pass is also meant to provide have been released and reviewed before dropping any money on additional Deus Ex content.
Thankfully, the base game is sti🌌ll very enjoyable.
[Source: ]
Published: Aug 23, 2016 09:00 am