Snapshot from the Devil May Cry series upcoming on Netflix
Image via Netflix / YouTube

Devil May Cry Netflix opening credits revealed, and nobody was expecting this

Keep rollin', rollin', rollin'...

It’s not very often that my anime-loving side and my nu-metal-loving part get to meet in the middle, but the opening credits for Netflix’s upcoming Devil May Cry anime adaptation just dropped,🙈 and I am very much experiencing the best of both worlds. 

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In what might be the most shocking reveal of the year, and I mean the whole year and not just the last month, Devil May Cry will have a truly epic opening credits sequence with a mas♏sive blast from the past musical accompaniment — Rollin’ by 🐓Limp Bizkit. 

Netflix dropped the opening credits for the much-anticipated anime adaptation of Devil May Cry almost out of nowhere, and expectant fans immediately took to the comment se༺ction on YouTube to voice pretty much the same reaction across the board: “Well, I wasn’t expecting that.” 

I have to admit, the track does fit impeccably with the dark and brooding vibe of Dante. Many expressed that they could picture him listening to it relentlessly, and I have to agree. Fans have long been excited about the prospect of a new DMC anime, and this has just floore💖d me and many others. It’s nice to know I’m not alone, and this is 100% going to end up on the short list of anime with opening credits that I adamantly refuse to skip over. 

I mean, listen to it, and if you have already done so, go and listen again because it’s just so good. I’m fairly confident Limp Bizkit are experiencing a jump in viewing stats for the video as I write. There’s nothing like a renewal of interest in a classic, and this has certainly reminded fans of this absolute gem.

I guess we shouldn’t really be surprised, as there were beats of nu-metal in the teaser trailer that Netflix shared in September, and the dark subject matter of DMC definite🐻ly lends itself to the heavy guitar riffs of Rollin’.  

Devil May Cry is set to release on Netflix on April 3, and this unexpected drop from Netflix has definitely reignited discussion and excitement over the upcoming series. Sadly, only eight episodes will feature this absolute banger of an opener. With Nerཧo’s original English voice actor Johnny Yong Bosch switching to voice Dante in this adaptation, there are high hopes for an epic series. 

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.