SMITE 2 Announced

Does SMITE 2 have cross-progression?

Much better than SMITE 1

SMITE 2‘s open beta is available free-to-play for all, and you can try out plenty of different gods across the game modes present in the current version.

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Unlike SMITE, the second game’s open beta is available on both PC and consoles. Naturally, there will be some like me who would want to play on both platforms. However, the open beta makes it pretty clear that there is a heavy grind element if you want to unlock every God. Thankfully, the grind becomes a lot more manageable, even if you want to switch your platform at any point in time.

SMITE 2 cross-progression explained

From the very first day of the open beta, SMITE 2 has cross-progression. You can avail the benefits if you want to jump between any of the available platforms. This includes PC, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and even the Steam Deck. It’s a huge benefit if you want to play on multiple platforms at the same time.

For example, you won’t need to have separate progression on each platform. Once you’ve correctly linked your account, all progress will be automatically carried over across the platforms. The same also applies to all the bonuses you get from buying the Founder’s/Deluxe Founder’s/Ultimate Edition.

To begin the process, you’ll need to head to , and set a Primary account. Your Primary account will be the main account for playing SMITE 2, and all the progress/purchases you make on this will be transferred across other platforms. Once you’ve selected a platform, your Primary account will have all your purchases and progression. Whenever you use this account on any other platform, you’ll be able to access all the pre-existing content.

You can also transfer your skins from SMITE 1 with the help of this method. However, not every skin you have is available in SMITE 2. Skins that can be carried over will have a cross-gen skin symbol. You can also transfer Legacy Gems. These resources can be used to purchase new skins to add to your collection. It’s immensely helpful if you had a fair amount of progression in SMITE 1, and had purchased Gems in the past.

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