Although I was not scheduled to try Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, this fan of High Moon Studios’ previous offering couldn’t resist grabbing some hands-on time with the game at E3, finally test driving Grimlock and seeing if he was done justice. I do believe he was.
Unlike the rest of the ro🎶ster, Grimlock has no real ranged attacks, preferring to smash opponents with his sword or grab enemies and hurl them into others. Of course, his T-rex form is the star of the show, and the demo gave me plenty of opportunity to roast Insecticons with a gout of flame or smash them to pieces via stomps and tail whips. The ability to insta-kill weaker enemies by tossing them in the air and biting the poor bastards in half is quite a lovely touch, too.
I very quickly noticed that the game’s enjoying some sharp graphical improvements. While War for Cybertron wasn’t hideous, it certainly wasn’t the most beautiful of games. Fall of Cybertron is visually super🌼ior even 𓂃at a glance, with highly detailed character models and gleaming light effects. A hopeful indicator of the overall improvement to be found in this followup.
There’s only one complaint so far — the Insecticon Kickback speaks with Shrapnel’s speech impediment. As a hardcore Insecticon fan, this is the kind of inconsistency that makes me break out in hives and want to cut myself. High Moon, please do not make me cut myself.
[Check out Hamza’s full E3 preview of the game right here!]
Published: Jun 7, 2012 12:27 am