Electronic Arts has responded to Destructoid concerning the removal of Dragon Age II from Steam, claiming that this was not a choice the publisher made, but rather the result of some recent policy shenanigans triggered by St𝄹eam itself.
“At EA, we offer our games and content to all major download services including GameStop, Amazon, Direct2Drive and Steam,” said David DeMartini, SVP of Global E-Commerce for EA. “Unfortunately, Steam has adopted a set of restrictive terms of service which limit how developers interact with customers to sell downloadable content. No other download service has adopted this practice. Consequently some of our games have been removed by Steam.
“We hope to work out an agreement to keep our games on Steam.”
So there you go. EA says that this is Steam’s fault, and wants Dragon Age II back. The plot, she has thickened!
Published: Jul 27, 2011 09:35 pm