Literally billions of hours of listening pleasure
The is a wonderful, diverse bunch, and boy do you people ever put out some awesome content. Whether you’re writing thoughtful Cblogs, having engaging discussions in our , or just hanging out in the front page comments, you all contribut🌳e so much to this place, and we literally would not be here without each and every ൩one of you!
One facet of the community that goes sadly under-represented is the amazing work put out by our community podcasters. With this post, I’m hoping to change that! Below are just a few of our community’s best and brightest podcast teams, and I want to add to it! For info on how you can get your own podcast listed, check out the bottom of the post.
I’d also like to thank Nanashi for his ongoing hard work putting together a monthly recap of all the great community podcasts in our Cbl💯ogs. Keep up the gr𒅌eat work!
Community hosts: Mike Martin, Stri▨derHo𝓡ang, and a rotating cast of Cblog Recaps badasses
Recapping and highlighting Destructoid’s best and worst community blogs while also being a videogame podcast! During our first segment, we go through our -ISMS and -GASMS, giving an update on what we’ve been playing, watching, or doing in general. During our second segment, we dive into the community, discussing Cblogs, community news, and the community question of the week!
Community hosts: Preposterous Whitey
In each episode of The Dead Pixe𒐪ls Podcast, community member Preposterous Whitey investigates a retro game of questionable quality and tries to find the good buried beneath layers of poor design.
Community hosts: TheDustinThomas
The Error Machine Podcast is hosted by Dtoider TheDustinThomas, along with his two best friends from high school: Luke Roberts and Chris Cramer. While videogame-centric, the show occasionally delves into topics like movies, pro wrestling, and Simpsons jokes no one under 20 years old understands. In addition to talking about what they’re playing and new releases, each week they choose a topic to discuss in depth based on recent gaming news.
Community hosts: CornflakeJus🎃tice, djnealb, KymikoLoco, Nanashi, Scield, and Trev
PStoid (pronounced Playstation-toid) is the first and only Playstation focused podcast that crawled out of the! Started by Nanashi, join him with the rest of the cast as they talk about all things PlayStation, Destructoid, and gaming, and hopefully don’t get lost in tangents a whole lot along the way… spoiler, they do. All the time. And although it ‘s a fairly new podcast, PStoid comes to the community for guest hosts, questions and discussion topics. So to be on an episode, PM us and we can get the ball rolling.
Community hosts: Corduroy Tuꦰrtle, knutaf, Mr Andy Dixon, and Occams electric toothbrush
Secret Moon Base started way back in January of 2012 right here on Destructoid and features Corduroy Turtle, knutaf, Occam’s electric toothbrush and Mr. Andy Dixon, as well as special guest appearances by a bunch of your favorite Dtoiders! We chat about games (obviously), tackle various game-related topics, answer listener questions and often find ourselves cracking up as we veer off on some seriously dark tangents. Check us out and join the dozen or so unfortunate listeners who descended into the pit of madness and now fear they may never escape.
Community hosts: Glowbear and Panzadolphin56
Scary Granules is a podcast about videogames, movies and generally all things horror, n🦹ot to mention a frightening jour❀ney deep into the twisted psyches of two people who frankly should have been certified by now. If you like an hour and a half of nonsense poured into your ears then you’ve come to the right place!
These are the podcast teams who responded to my call to action a few weeks ago. If you host a community podcast you want to see listed in the next update of this post, just email me a 620×250 banner and a short blurb about your podcast and I’ll add you to the list!
Published: May 5, 2015 07:00 pm