EarthBound 64 gameplay footage

This resurfaced EarthBound 64 footage is a cool, weird window into the past

25 fascinating seconds of EarthBound 64 footage from Space World just popped up

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It’s a joy whenever we can fill in gaps in our gaming history with new, rare, or resurfaced footage of old games. Thanks to the efforts of Zen, who a Nintendo Company Report from 1998, we’ve got a short but detail-rich look at EarthBound 64, a game that’s arguably more fun to talk about and pine for than it would’ve been to play.

Zen scans of the 15-page Japanese report and clips of a bunch of Nintendo 64 games from the CD. We’ve seen EarthBound 64 before, but not quite like this.

Visually speaking, EarthBound 64 couldn’t be much further from the vibrant pixel-art world of Mother 3 we know and love, and that’s what makes this clip such a fascinating watch. It’s surreal to see the game in motion, even if it is just a rapid-fire preview without sound.

As one commenter notes, “if you go frame by frame when the Pig Mask soldier gets hit you can see that he’s wearing nothing but his underwear underneath his armor.”

Had this game been finished for the , it absolutely would’ve creeped me out in the same way as something like Glover or Space Station Silicon Valley. That low-poly era, particular🧜ly when it came to muddied N64 graphi🗹cs, really got under my skin.

The Claymen alone! Don’t make eye contact.

Are any o🎉f you holding out hope for an out-of-nowhere rom? What a find that would be.

[Via ]

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Image of Jordan Devore
Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.