A couple of months ago, we told you about the departure of game maker David Jaffe (God of War, Twisted Metal) from Sony to start his own company with Scott Campbell, and they named it Eat Sleep Play. Now has the first look at the company’s new logo.
As you can see, the logo is a pop top bottle cap. Pretty clever, eh? We’ll let Eat Sleep Play explain what the logo represents:
Well here it is, fresh out of the oven: the Eat Sleep Play logo! This little pop top represents the heart and soul of what our new company is about. Not only are sodas the drink of choice for game makers around the globe, but soda also represents fizzy, refreshing fun. That’s what we hope people will think of every time they spot the logo. It should tell folks that while they may not be getting the most intellectually nourishing of products, they will be always be getting something that — to us — is much more important: fun. And in this day and age of overlong, overblown, overproduced epic games, isn’t that refreshing? You know… like a soda?
There it is. I’ll be honest: I was thinking beer cap. And maybe that was intended — kind of like a dual purpose logo. Beer is also fun, right? Either way, good job with the logo, gents. Good luck, and we’re looking forward to seeing some new games out of Eat Sleep Play.
Published: Oct 17, 2007 09:35 am