Metal Scrap serves as the building blocks to many Enshrouded crafts, and if you’re going to get to building in its fantastical fog, you’ll need a lot of it. Fortunately, those bits and pieces aren’t hard to find; they’re hiding in plain sight.
Gettin’ Scrappy – Where do you find Metal Scrap?
Farm Enemy Drops
Hunt down non-Fell, humanoid enemies for Metal Scrap in abandoned towns like the two circled here. They seem to always drop Metal Scrap, making them a morꦗe reliable source as demand for the material climbs into the mid-gꦅame.
Bonus tip, use any extra Flame Alters you may have as a teleport between the towns. After picking these areas clean, teleport home to your base, rest for a few days, and head back to see if they’ve respawned.
Break Stuff
You’ll also find Metal Scrap in Enshrouded by destroying random crates, boxes, carts, and other environmental pieces with something to hide. While exploring, I smack anything and everything I can take a pickaxe to — makes my progress horribly slow when traveling, but I’ve yet to run out of metal.
As a rule of thumb, head straight to any obvious structures out in the open world. See that building over there? You can destroy that. Well, you can destroy parts of it. Buildings often have 🦂furniture, doors, and all of those other pieces listed that break down to yield Metal Scrap.
What do you do with Metal Scraps?
Metal Scrap becomes basic building blocks like Metal Sheets or Nails, both items unlocked through Enshrouded’s Blacksmith. And while those are in high demand, don’t turn all of your scrap into Metal Sheets or nails. You’ll need some simple, unprocessed metal for plenty of crafts.
Tons of Enshrouded recipes use Metal Scrap. It’s the sole material required for making a Lockpick, and comes in handy to upgrade adventuring must-haves like the 🌠Pickaxe or🥀 Felling Axe.
Published: Jan 26, 2024 04:29 pm