Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manuel 2025 Edition
Image via Wizards of the Coast

Every new monster in the 2025 Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual

Roll for initiative.

The newest edition of Dungeons and Dragons’ Monster Manuel has made more than a few sweeping changes to the long-running tabletop RPG’s massive cast of foes. There’s a lot to cover, but the highlights are easily the new creatures the 2025 Monster Manual adds to the mix.

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The 2025 MM doesn’t introduce many new creatures, but its contribution to D&D‘s menagerie of dragons, oozes, and undead atrocities is an exercise in quality over quantity. Here’s a round-up of all the new (and updated) monsters in the 2025 Dungeons and Dragons‘ Monster Manuel.

All new monsters in the 2025 Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manuel

A coven of Arch Hags plotting mischief in the 2025 Monster Manual
Image via Wizards of the Coast

The 2025 edition of Dungeon and Dragons 5E’s Monster Manual introduces an impressive assembly of monsters. Most monsters in the book are re-imagined versions of creatures introduced in the original Monster Manual, but they’ve cha꧃🐷nged in more ways than they’ve stayed the same.

While reading the book, I noticed a common trend: Many new monsters are “evolved” and “devolved” versions of iconic D&D foes like Revenants and Sphinxes. By adding these stronger/weaker variants, the book makes it easier for Dungeon Masters to pit players against recurring foes that grow in power as they do, an issue that’s plagued 5E for years.

Another notable addition is the “Titans,” Kaiju-sized monsters who can turn a thriving port city into vacant beachfront property in hours. As big as they are deadly, these beasties are the perfect choice for DMs looking to run a cinematic-scale combat encounter for a high-level party. Ever want to run Power Rangers in D&D? Now you can!

Here are all the monsters introduced in the 2025 Monster Manuel. To make things easier f🐓or DMs who need a monster sooner than later, I threw in the creature’s size, type, alignment, and Challenge Rating.

MonsterCreature Size, Type, and AlignmentChallenge Rating (CR)
Aarakocra AeromancerMedium Elemental, NeutralCR 8
Aarakocra SkirmisherMedium Elemental, NeutralCR 1/4
Aberrant CultistSmall or Medium Humanoid, Neutral EvilCR 8
Animal LordLarge Celestial, NeutralCR 20
Animated BroomSmall Construct, UnalignedCR 1/4
Animated Flying SwordSmall Construct, UnalignedCR 1/4
Animated Rug of SmotheringLarge Construct, UnalignedCR 1/4
Arch HagLarge Fey, Neutral EvilCR 21
ArchpriestSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 12
Azer PyromancerMedium Elemental, Lawful NeutralCR 6
Azer SentinelMedium Elemental, Lawful EvilCR 2
Bandit Crime LordSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 11
Bandit DeceiverSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 7
Berserker CommanderSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 8
Blob of AnnihilationGargantuan Ooze (Titan), Neutral EvilCR 23
Brazen GorgonLarge Construct, UnalignedCR 9
Bugbear StalkerMedium Fey (Goblinoid), Chaotic EvilCR 3
Bugbear WarriorMedium Fey (Goblinoid), Chaotic EvilCR 1
Bullywog Bog SageMedium Fey, NeutralCR 4
Bullywog WarriorMedium Fey, NeutralCR 1/4
Centaur TrooperLarge Fey, Neutral GoodCR 2
Centaur WardenLarge Fey, Neutral GoodCR 7
Cockatrice RegentLarge Monstrosity, UnalignedCR 8
ColossusGargantuan Construct (Titan), UnlaignedCR 25
Cultist FanaticSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 2
Cultist HierophantGargantuan Construct (Titan), UnalignedCR 10
Cyclops OracleHuge Giant, Chaotic NeutralCR 10
Cyclops SentryHuge Giant, Chaotic NeutralCR 6
Death CultistSmall or Medium Humanoid, Neutral EvilCR 8
Death Knight AspirantSmall or Medium Undead, Chaotic EvilCR 11
Dire WorgHuge Fey, Neutral EvilCR 10
DracolichHuge or Gargantuan Undead, Lawful EvilCR 17
Elemental CataclysmGangartuan Elemental (Titan), Chaotic NeutralCR 22
Elemental CultistSmall or Medium Humanoid, Chaotic EvilCR 8
Empyrean IotaMedium Celestial or Fiend (Titan), NeutralCR 1
Faerie Dragon AdultTiny Dragon, Chaotic GoodCR 2
Faerie Dragon YouthTiny Dragon, Chaotic GoodCR 1
Fiend CultistSmall or Medium Humanoid, Neutral EvilCR 8
Gas Spore FungusLarge Plant, UnalignedCR 1/2
Ghast GravecallerMedium Undead, Chaotic EvilCR 6
Giant Axe BeakHuge Monstrosity, UnalignedCR 5
Giant Venomous SnakeMedium Beast, UnalignedCR 1/4
Githyanki DracomancerMedium Aberration (Gith), Lawful EvilCR 10
Githyanki KnightMedium Aberration (Gith), Lawful EvilCR 8
Githyanki WarriorMedium Aberration (Gith), Lawful EvilCR 3
Githzerai MonkMedium Aberration (Gith), Lawful NeutralCR 2
Githzerai PsionMedium Aberration (Gith), Lawful NeutralCR 12
Githzerai ZerthMedium Aberration (Gith), Lawful NeutralCR 6
GladiatorSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 5
Gnoll WarriorMedium Fiend, Chaotic EvilCr 1/2
Goblin BossSmall Fey (Goblinoid), Chaotic NeutralCR 1
Goblin HexerSmall Fey (Goblinoid), Chaotic NeutralCR 3
Goblin WarriorSmall Fey (Goblinoid), Chaotic NeutralCR 1/4
Graveyard RevenantHuge Undead, NeutralCR 7
Grick AncientLarge Aberration UnalignedCR 7
Guard CaptainSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 4
Gulthias BlightGargantuan Plant, Neutral EvilCR 16
Half-DragonMedium Dragon, NeutralCR 5
Haunting RevenantGargantuan Undead, NeutralCR 10
Hobgoblin CaptainMedium Fey (Goblinoid), Lawful EvilCR 3
JackalwereSmall Fiend, Chaotic EvilCR 1/2
Juvenile Shadow DragonMedium Dragon, Chaotic Evil
Kobold WarriorSmall Dragon, NeutralCR 1/8
Kuo-Toa MonitorMedium Aberration, Neutral EvilCR 3
Lacedon GhoulMedium Undead, Chaotic EvilCR 1
Lizardfolk GemomancerMedium Elemental, NeutralCr 2
Lizardfolk SovereignMedium Elemental, NeutralCR 4
Manes VaporspawnMedium Fiend (Demon), Chaotic EvilCR 1
Merfolk SkirmisherMedium Elemental, NeutralCR 1/8
Merfolk WavemasterMedium Elemental, NeutralCR 6
Minotaur of BaphometLarge Monstrosity, NeutralCR 3
Modron DuodroneMedium Construct, Lawful NuetralCR 1/4
Modron MonodroneMedium Construct, Lawful NeutralCR 1/8
Modron PentadroneLarge Construct, Lawful NeutralCR 2
Modron QuadronMedium Construct, Lawful NeutralCR 1
Modron TridoneMedium Construct, Lawful NeutralCR 1/2
Myconic AdultMedium Plant, Lawful NeutralCR 1/2
Myconic SovereignLarge Plant, Lawful NeutralCR 1/2
Myconic Spore ServantSmall or Medium Plant, Lawful NeutralCR 1
Myconic SproutSmall Plant, Lawful NeutralCR 0
Noble ProdigySmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 10
Ogrillon OgreLarge Giant, Chaotic EvilCR 1
PerformerSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 1/2
Performer LegendSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 6
Performer MaestroSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 10
PiercerMedium Aberration, UnalignedCR 1/2
PiranhaTiny Beast, UnalignedCR 0
PirateSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 1
Pirate AdmiralSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 12
Pirate BosunSmall or Medium Humanoid, Any AlignmentCR 1/2
Pirate CaptainSmall or Medium humanoid, NeutralCR 6
Pixie WonderbringerTiny Fey, Neutral GoodCR 5
Priest AcolyteSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 1/4
Primeval OwlbearHuge Monstrosity, UnalignedCR 7
Psychic Grey OozeMedium Ooze, UnalignedCR 1
Qauggoth ThonotMedium Monstrosity, Chaotic NeutralCR 3
Questing KnightSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 12
Sahuagin BaronLarge Fiend, Lawful EvilCR 5
Sahuagin PriestMedium Fiend, Lawful EvilCR 2
Sahuagin WarriorMedium Fiend, Lawful EvilCR 1/2
Salamander Fire SnakeMedium Elemental, Neutral EvilCR 1
Salamander Inferno MasterLarge Elemental, Neutral EvilCR 15
Satyr RevelmasterMedium Fey, Chaotic NeutralCR 6
Scout CaptainSmall to Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 3
Shadow DragonHuge Dragon, Chaotic EvilCR 13
Shrieker FungusMedium Plant, UnalignedCR 0
Slaad TadpoleTiny Aberration, Chaotic NeutralCR 1/8
Sphinx of LoreLarge Celestial, Lawful NeutralCR 11
Sphinx of SecretsLarge Celestial, Lawful NeutralCR 8
Sphinx of ValorLarge Celestial, Lawful NeutralCR 17
Sphinx of WonderTiny Celestial, Lawful NeutralCR 1
Spy MasterSmall or Medium HumanoidCR 10
Swarm of LemuresLarge Swarm of Medium Fiends, (Devils), Lawful EvilCR 3
Swarm of PiranhasMedium Swarm of Tiny Beasts, UnalignedCR 1
Swarm of Venomous SnakesMedium Swarm of Tiny Beasts, UnalignedCR 2
Thri-kreen MarauderMedium Monstrosity, NeutralCR 1
ToughSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 1/2
Tough BossSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 4
Troll LimbSmall Giant, Chaotic EvilCR 1/2
UltrolothMedium Fiend (Yugoloth), Neutral EvilCR 13
Vampire FamiliarSmall or Medium Humanoid, Neutral EvilCR 3
Vampire NightbringerSmall or Medium Undead, Neutral EvilCR 8
Vampire Umbral LordSmall or Medium Undead, Neutral EvilCR 15
Venomous SnakeTiny Beast, UnalignedCR 1/8
Violet Fungus NecrohulkLarge Plant, Neutral EvilCR 7
Warrior CommanderSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 10
Warrior InfantrySmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 1/8
Warrior VeteranSmall or Medium Humanoid, NeutralCR 3
Yuan-ti InfiltratorMedium Monstrosity, Neutral EvilCR 1

It’s a big list, and I’d be lying if I said there are a few creatures that feel redundant. However, 🌌these are tiny cracks in an otherwise solid line-up of new monsters.

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Image of Drew Kopp
Drew Kopp
Drew has been an insatiable reader of Destructoid for over a decade. He got his start with Comic Book Resources and Attack of the Fanboy, and now he's rocking it as a member of Destructoid's staff!