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Evo 2022 locks in its arena finals lineup

StriveStreet FighterTekken, and The King of Fighters will fill the Sunday finals

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The Evolution Championshiꦆp Series, a.k.a. Evo, has released its final registration tally. The final numbers for🐼 each game, as well as which four make it into the Evo 2022 arena finals on Sunday, are now locked in.

Registration , with nine games in the main Evo 2022 lineup: Street Fighter VGuilty Gear StriveMortal Kombat 11Tekken 7, The King of Fighters XVMelty Blood Type Lumina, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Granblue Fantasy Versus, and Skullgirls.

In the , Guilty Gear Strive took the top spot at Evo 2022. The latest entry in Arc System Works’ fighting game series raked in a whopping 2,161 registered combatants.

Joining Strive for the Sunday finals are two fairly presumptive games, Street Fighter V and Tekken 7. The latest King of Fighters takes the fourth spot, with 1,✃014 entrants registered to compete.

While those four will be featured in the arena finals, all nine games are part of the Evo 2022 main stage lineup. Of course, if you prefer some of the more niche and rare tournaments, there are . Everything from Them’s Fightin’ Herds and Soulcalibur to Catherine can usually find a spot to compete.

The true king of fighters

Evo 2022 will be a big year for Evo, as it returns under new ownership. While there has been Evo Online, this will be the first in-person Evo since the tournament series was jointly acquired by Sony and RTS.

So far, that hasn’t meant much has changed. Super Smash Bros. will not be part of the main game lineup this year, though the statement read like that was Nintendo’s choice.

Street Fighter 6 will, however, be on display and open for competitors to test out. I’m personally hoping there’s a way to catch some show matches or something during the weekend. We can probably expect some fighting game news that weekend too, as is tradition.

will run from August 5 through 7 at Las Vegas’ Mandalay Bay resort.

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Image of Eric Van Allen
Eric Van Allen
Senior Editor
Senior Editor - While Eric's been writing about games since 2014, he's been playing them for a lot longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, digging into an indie gem, or hanging out around the Limsa Aethryte.