Fall Guys is getting The Slimescraper, a successor to Slime Climb, on May 13

Season 4.5 has two new rounds, 55 level variations, custom lobbies for everyone, and PC/PS4 matchmaking

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The Season 4.5 update is coming to Fall Guys on May 13 with a pair of new levels, revamps of existing stages, and some pleasant surprises like the ability for PS4 and PC players to “matchmake together in all game modes.” The best bit, by far: a “spiritual successor” to Slime Climb called The Slimescraper.

, The Slimescraper is a race against rising slime across “multiple floors of mayhem.” The other new Season 4.5 level, Button Bashers, is a one-on-one round in which everyone’s split up into “dueling pairs.” As for mid-season remixes, expect low gravity on Hex-A-Gone and Thin Ice.

Other Season 4.5 features:

  • Custom lobbies: “You can start games with as few as four players, and PC and PS4 players can play together.”
  • Cross-play: “PC and PS4 players can now matchmake together in all game modes! (Cross-platform parties are not possible yet.)”
  • Cheater reporting: “New Player Reporting feature for if you spot potential cheaters. We’ll never act solely on reports (reports help us with cross referencing) and we’ll never ban anyone for grabbing or using in-game mechanics in a normal fashion.”
  • Less latency: “Improved latency when grabbing objects or mantling. Things should be much more responsive now.”
  • Connection quality signal: “In-game visual indicator to show connection quality to help troubleshoot issues.”
  • Fixes: Improvements for “de-sync, physics, and related issues,” among many others.

Mediatonic says this update, , is its “most ambitious mid-season to date” for Fall Guys.

Even after all of the seasonal updates and refreshes, Slime Climb is still one of my favorite levels in Fall Guys by a significant margin, so that’s all I really needed to hear to want to show up tomorrow.

It’s going to be fantastic to have this game playable on Switch and Xbox in hopefully tip-top shape. (You probably heard, ♋but those versions were recently delayed.) I never want to take cross-play for granted.

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Image of Jordan Devore
Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.