But where’s the live action Siege show?
Producer Adi Shankar, known for his animated adaptation of Castlevania and the upcoming Assassin’s Creed show, is also expected to begin production on a series based on Ubisoft’s 2012 open-world adventure Far Cry 3, specifically its tongue-in-cheek “Blood Dragon” sub-universe.
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Vibe is still in its early stages, but the animated series is expected to help kickstart a “multiverse” of sorts, entirely comprised of Ubisoft adaptations. Other franchises from the publisher’s portfolio expected to hit the small screen include a Rayman animated series, a tween/teen friendly Watch Dogs show, and even a series based on mobile game Hungry Shark, though details are increﷺdib🌱ly slim on all of the above.
Despite all of this incoming idiot box programming, there is currently no sign of a high-intensity, Sicario-style Rainbow Six Siege series, which is a shame. Make the call, Ubisoft. I’d like to play Ela, I think you’ll find my fee fair and affordable.
Published: Oct 14, 2019 08:00 am