Miyamoto Iori holding katana in Fate/Samurai Remnant.
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Fate/Samurai Remnant – Spirit Font Conflicts explained

A nice twist on Fate/Samurai Remnant's regular gameplay.

There’s plenty to do in Fate/Samurai Remnant When you aren’t exploring Edo, carving statues, or petting cats, you may find yourself in the Spiritual Lands. Here, you’ll travel along Leylines and cross paths with enemies are you try to gain control of Spirit Fonts.

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These Spirit Font Conflicts provide a nice break from the usual combat, but they can be somewhat complicated to get the hang of. If you’re feeling confused about how to master Spirit Font Conflicts, this guide will provide you with the knowledge you need.

Tamano Aria in Fate/Samurai Remnant.
Screenshot by Destructoid.

What are Spirit Font Conflicts?

With some help from Crimson Codex, you can engage in Spirit Font Conflicts that take place on a grid that sits on top of your map. It’s a turn-based mini-game where the aim is to reach your enemy’s Spirit Fonts. As you’re doing this, you should prevent enemies from taking over your Spirit Fonts.

When you and a foe land on the same spot, you’ll be thrust into a battle. These battles are identical to the usual combat you’ll deal with when exploring Edo, and winning is a matter of mastering your moves and making clever use of your Servants.

As the number of enemies increases, it’ll get harder to stop them from getting to your fonts. Luckily, you can get help from your companions, including Saber and Tamamo Aria. For exam🐼ple, you can separate Saber from Iori when the going gets tough.

Crimson Codex in Fate/Samurai Remnant.
Screenshot by Destructoid.

Think before acting

Getting to Spirit Fonts in time will probably be the first problem that trips you up. You can see how much time you have at the bottom right of the screen.☂ By seizing Spiri♑t Fonts, you can extend your time limit.

You need to think carefully before making your next move. Don’t waste a single turn staying in the same spot or backtracking. Although things will be somewhat unpredictable due to the actions of your enemies, it is still possible to plan out an ideal route and try to stick to it.

Incorporate Support Mystic Codes into your strategy. These can be obtained during conflicts, or by making them at the workshop. Use the Support Mystic Codes to൲ outsmart your opponents by, for example, jumping to a spot on the map that would normally require multiple turns.

Sometimes, you’ll find yourself unable to seize a Spirit Font because your opponent has protected it with a bounded field. In such a situation, you’ll have to fulfil the set requirements or find a way around it.

The Spirit Font Conflicts can get complicated, but Fate/Samurai Remnant does a good job of guiding you through it. The conflicts don’t come around often, but it’s always fun to connect Leylines and beat down enemies.

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Image of Smangaliso Simelane
Smangaliso Simelane
Staff Writer - Smangaliso Simelane is a writer with a passion for all things related to video games. He has been writing about video games since 2020.