Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth piano
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FF7 Rebirth: Where is Tifa’s Theme for piano?

The curious case of the disappearing sheet music.

If you’re hopping into Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth after playing the demo and looking to tickle the ivories, you might be wondering where a certain piece of music is. Tifa’s Theme is an acquirable sheet music piece in the demo, but it’s conspicuously absent from the same spot in the full game.

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For those looking to master the piano, don’t worry. You haven’t missed the sheet music. Tifa’s Theme is still available to find in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it’s just in a different location in the full game.

I’m posting this demo shot again, to show I am the true piano master. | Screenshot by Destructoid

Tifa’s Theme piano sheet music location

You’ll pick up Tifa’s Theme for the piano in Costa del Sol, during a little excursion playing as Tifa and Aerith. This is, in fact, the second possible piece of sheet music you could pick up so far in Rebirth, after the one in Junon.

So if you’re missing it from the demo, don’t fret. It’s actually a bit easier this way, honestly. If the sheet music were only in the flashback, you’d have to get it there or risk missing it until you could chapter select back to it. Rest assured, if you worry that you can miss any sheet music, 🐈it seems like none of them are locked be🦂hind any sort of gate. You can always backtrack.

If you want to find every piece of piano sheet music spread throughout the world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, be sure to check out our guide here.

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Image of Eric Van Allen
Eric Van Allen
Senior Editor
Senior Editor - While Eric's been writing about games since 2014, he's been playing them for a lot longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, digging into an indie gem, or hanging out around the Limsa Aethryte.