Final Fantasy VII FF7 Selena the Chocobo
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FF7 Rebirth: Where to find Nibel’s Selena the Chocobo

Take the bait, nice and easy...

Nibel is the last region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that you explore and, therefore, the last Chocobo you’ll find. This one is named Selena and she can hover using♈ a jet of water. Here’s how you get her.

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Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Selena the Chocobo location
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Where to find Selena

Selena is directly south of the airfield. It’s on a secluded plateau, but it’s kind of hard to miss because it’s covered in cactus-like balloons. Really, when you arrive, one of the fir꧅st things in your path is an intel tower. If you activate that, the Chocobo spot will appear on your map. For that matter, you can see the cactuses ♏on your map.

Th🍨e difficult part of this whole ordeal, really, is trying to catch Selen♐a.

How to catch Selena

The tricky part here is that Selena’s capture isn’t the same as other Chocobo. Previous𝓀ly, you’d just need to sneak up on them and leap on when you’re close enough. Here, you actually need to guide her to a place where you can get to her.

There’s a ramp directly near the area where the sequence begins. Climb your way up it while watching out for the Chocobo at the bottom. This isn’t difficult b🐲ecause there’s grass for you to hide in.

At the top of the hill, you’ll find “Chocobo Bait.” The goal here is to lead Salena from one end of the plateau to the other without having her touch a cactus. The difficulty here is that many of the cacti continually inflate and deflate, meaning that you need to time it right. Note that the sentry Chocobo won’t react to your bait; only Salena will. Also, the bait will continually resp🌟awn on the hilltop, so you don’t need to worry about wasting it.

You essentially need to move Selena bit by bit 🐼by dropping tossing the bait a couple meters in front of her. If yo𝔉u’re too far, she won’t go for it. When you get to the rows of cacti, drop it behind them to get her as close as possible, wait until they deflate, and then quickly throw one on the other side to get the Chocobo to quickly pass overtop.

Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth how to catch Selena
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The next part is where it gets tricky, as it’s a big cluster of cacti. Note the safe spot in the far left corner, that’s where we want to park her initially. As the cacti deflate in front of her, drop bait so she’ll move on top of🤪 her. It looks dangerous, but the set of cacti in front of her will deflate, and that’s your c🃏ue to drop bait and move her onto them. Keep going until she’s in the corner. You’ll hit a merciful checkpoint here.

As an added tip, sect🎃ions of cacti that will defla𝓰te in unison also sway in the wind in unison. You can identify what group each is in by their subtle movements.

The technique is much the same for the next part💫 as you move her closer to the pa💝tch of grass. As sections of cacti deflate in front of her, move her onto them. Then, keep doing so until she reaches the grass.

Once she’s in the grass, carefully descend the hill back to where she’s standing. Because of all the coverage, it isn’t too difficult to sneak 𓂃up on and nab.

How to hover with Selena the Chocobo

Selena’s unique🐻 power is to hover using a jet of water. You can only do this over water, however. It can be any water, not just the oceaꦜn or lakes in the area around Nibel. Rivers or even standing pools work just fine.

If you want to move faster through the air, you can combine your hover with gliding using the R2 button. It works the same as it did with Aponi, and can help you move around the islands easierꩲ.

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.