Caldarus in his human form in Fields of Mistria
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Fields of Mistria: How to find Caldarus, complete gift guide

The horns and tail remain

One of the biggest draws of any cozy game is the possibility of befriending and even romancing one of the NPCs. Fields of Mistria is no different, and as of the second major update, players 🍃can now full♊y befriend the dragon-esque Caldarus. 

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Caldarus has, technically, been in Fields of Mistria from the very begi🀅nning, as a statue on the farm who absorbs our essence and allows us to gain Skill Perks to work our way through the story. However, he’s now a fully fledged and mostly human character for players to get close to. 

How to find Caldarus in Fields of Mistria

Caldarus in bed at his Shrine in Fields of Mistria
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To find Caldarus, you’ll first need to work your way through unlocking the Fire Seal at level 60 of the Mines. Once you’ve gathered up all of the necessary resources and placed them onto their pedestals, Caldarus wi﷽ll appear after things go a little bit wrong. 

At first, he’ll be in his dragon form, watching over you and trying to help when you get trapped in a glowing circle. However, when you prove unresponsive, Caldarus will transform into his more human formꦓ to help you. Sadly, he uses up most of his remaining 🐈essence in the process and then heads off to his shine in the Deep Woods. 

Where to find Caldarus in the Deep Woods in Fields of Mistria
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So now you need to get into the Deep Woods, which you can do using t🐟he Dragon’s Breath spell Caldarus bestowed upon you before he left the Mines. Head up to the north of The Eastern Road and use the Dragon’s Breath spell to burn through the wall of thorns, gaining access to the new area. 

Inside the Deep Woods, Caldarus will always be in or around his Shrine in the northeast. You’ll need to break through a large stump blocking your way each d✨ay when you want to visit. At first, he’ll be in bed recovering, but he’ll slowly gain his strength and get back on his feet. 

Caldarus gift guide

Caldarus when receiving a loved gift in Fields of Mistria
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As with all other villagers of Mistria, once Caldarus is in his human(ish) form, you can talk to him regularly throughout the day and give him a daily gift. If you want to grow as close to him as possible, you’ll need to know what gifts will gain you the most friendship points when given to him. The good news is that he auꦅtomatically has 6 hearts ♌of friendship, so you’ve got a beefy headstart to the process.

It should come as no surprise that, having spent a very long time trapped as a statue, Caldarus is hungry. As such, most of his favored gifts are food-based. If you don’t want to cook these, you can find them for sale from time to time at the Inn, B𒁏alor’s✱ Wagon, or Darcy’s Stall at the Weekend Market. 

Some of them a🍸lso drop when harvesting ingredients that have been grown on the Farm.

Caldarus’ loved gifts

GiftRecipe / How to get
Apple Honey Curry1 Apple
1 Honey
1 Curry Powder
1 Sweet Potato
1 Onion
1 Rice
Harvest Plate1 Sweet Potato
1 Broccoli
1 Cranberry
1 Pumpkin
1 Onion
1 Rosemary
Seafood Boil2 Crabs
2 Mines Mussels
2 Crayfish
1 Corn
1 Hot Potato
1 Butter
Seafood Snow Pea Noodles1 Snow Peas
1 Noodles
1 King Crab
1 Bonito
1 Herring
1 Soy Sauce
Spring Galette1 Fiddlehead
1 Morel Mushroom
1 Wild Leek
1 Flour
1 Butter
1 Cheese
Statuette of CaldarusDigging up Dig Spots on The Eastern Road
Sushi Platter1 Tuna
1 Salmon
1 Mackerel
1 Rice
1 Seaweed
1 Soy Sauce
Veggie Sub Sandwich1 Bread
1 Tide Lettuce
1 Tomato
1 Cucumber
1 Cheese
1 Mayonnaise

Calarus’ liked gifts

GiftRecipe / How to get
Beet Soup1 Beet
1 Carrot
1 Potato
1 Onion
1 Cabbage
1 Milk
Chili Coconut Curry1 Coconut Milk
1 Chili Pepper
1 Curry Powder
1 Cave Mushroom
1 Rice
Chocolate Cake1 Chocolate
1 Flour
1 Sugar
1 Chicken Egg
Coconut Cream Pie1 Coconut
1 Coconut Milk
1 Sugar
1 Butter
1 Flour
Crab Cakes1 Crabs
1 Chicken Egg
1 Mayonnaise
1 Flour
1 Dill
Fish Tacos1 Corn
1 Cod
1 Mayonnaise
1 Chili Pepper
1 Tide Lettuce
Golden Cheesecake2 Golden Cheese
2 Golden Eggs
2 Golden Milk
1 Golden Butter
2 Flour
2 Sugar
Golden Cookies2 Golden Eggs
2 Golden Milk
1 Golden Butter
2 Flour
2 Chocolate
2 Sugar
Ice Cream Sundae1 Ice Block
1 Sugar
1 Milk
1 Chocolate
1 Butter
1 Flour
Lobster Roll1 Lobster
1 Bread
1 Mayonnaise
1 Lemon
1 Wild Leek
Mushroom Steak Dinner1 Oyster Mushroom
1 Butter
1 Cauliflower
1 Beet
1 Tide Lettuce
Perch Risotto1 Perch
1 Rice
1 Butter
1 Garlic
1 Rosemary
Pumpkin Pie1 Pumpkin
1 Flour
1 Sugar
1 Milk
1 Chicken Egg
Sea Bream Rice1 Sea Bream
1 Soy Sauce
1 Cave Mushroom
1 Earthshroom1 Rice
Vegetable Pot Pie1 Potato
1 Turnip
1 Carrot
1 Peas
1 Flour
Vegetable Quiche1 Chicken Egg
1 Milk
1 Flour
1 Potato
1 Wild Leek

What not to give Caldarus

If you want Caldarus to grow a soft spot for you, you’ll need to avoid giving him any of the universally hated gift൲s, and any of the following specific items:

  • Dragon Claw (Disliked)
  • Dragon Scale (Disliked)
  • Unknown Dragon Statuette (Hated)

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.