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Final Fantasy XIV common terms explained

The terms you need to know, from Adds to Tankbuster.

As with any MMO, Final Fantasy XIV has developed what seems like its own language that players use. If you’ve never played an MMO before, this gets confusing fast. Fortunately, these acronyms and slang terms are easy to understand once you know what they mean. Let’s go over the most common terms in FFXIV.

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Job and Class abbreviations

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Classes in Final Fanta🐈sy XIV are split into four subcategories:

DoWDisciple of WarClasses which deal physical damage
DoMDisciple of MagicClasses which deal magical damage
DoLDisciple of the LandClasses which focus on gathering
DoHDisciple of the HandClasses which focus on crafting

There are a lot of classes in FFXIV; 20 battle jobs (not including the classes from which some of them originate), eight crafting classes and three gathering classes. Each of these classes has its own abbreviation that’s worth remembering. 

Here’s the full list:

DoW/DoM Classes

ACNArcanist, the beginning class for both Summoner and Scholar jobs
ARCArcher, the beginning class for the Bard job
GLDGladiator, the beginning class for the Paladin job
LNCLancer, the beginning class for the Dragoon job
MRDMarauder, the beginning class for the Warrior job
PUGPugilist, the beginning class for the Monk job
THMThaumaturge, the beginning class for the Black Mage job

DoW/DoM Jobs

ASTAstrologian, healer job
WHMWhite Mage, healer job which stems from the Conjurer class
SGESage, healer job
SCHScholar, healer job which stems from the Arcanist class
WARWarrior, tank job which stems from the Marauder class
GNBGunbreaker, tank job
DRKDark Knight, tank job
PLDPaladin, tank job which stems from the Gladiator class
BRDBard, physical ranged DPS job which stems from the Archer class
DNCDancer, physical ranged DPS job
MCHMachinist, physical ranged DPS job
DRGDragoon, melee DPS job which stems from the Lancer class
MNKMonk, melee DPS job which stems from the Pugilist class
NINNinja, melee DPS job which begins as Rogue
RPRReaper, melee DPS job
SAMSamurai, melee DPS job
BLMBlack Mage, ranged magical job which stems from the Thaumaturge class
BLUBlue Mage, ranged magical limited job
RDMRed Mage, ranged magical job
SMNSummoner, ranged magical job which stems from the Arcanist class

DoL/DoH classes

MINMiner, gathering class
BTNBotanist, gathering class
FSHFisher, gathering class
ARMArmorer, crafting class
BSMBlacksmith, crafting class
GSMGoldsmith, crafting class
LTWLeatherworker, crafting class
WVRWeaver, crafting class
ALCAlchemist, crafting class
CULCulinarian, crafting class
CRPCarpenter, crafting class

In-game terms you should know

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Once you’ve b🔥egun to memorise the long list of cl𒐪ass abbreviations, you’ll begin to pick up on other abbreviations throughout your time traversing Eorzea or running content. Many of these are derived from other MMO games, so they’re easy to pick up on.

This is not an exhaustive list and does not include terms that are specifically used in high-level raidi💫ng, as those are not s📖omething an average player will come across very often or accidentally. 

I’ve o�🎉�rganised these terms alphabetically to help if you’re in a hurry:

AddsExtra enemies which spawn during a boss fight
AggroTanking term; aggro essentially means “attention”. Keeping aggro means the tank keeps the attention of the enemy so other players with less defense won’t take damage.
AoEArea of effect – A part of the arena where damage will soon occur, usually forewarned by an orange shape. Avoid the shape = avoid taking damage
BuffAny trait gained by a player which affects them in a positive way (Haste, Medicated, Well Fed). Enemies can also gain buffs, but this is less beneficial to players
DebuffAny trait gained by a player or enemy which affects them in an negative way (Heavy, Blind, Weakness)
DoTDamage over time – Any attack which causes health to drain over a period of time (for example, poison damage)
DPSDamage per second – Classes and jobs that prioritize inflicting damage are referred to as DPS (usually denoted with red icons). At higher levels of play, DPS is also used to discuss a player’s overall damage output (Example: “John Strife had the best DPS out of everyone in the party”)
DropItems which appear once you have defeated an enemy
Emnity Tanking term; emnity is the likelihood that enemies will attack you. The higher your emnity, the more likely enemies are to be attracted to you. This term is occasionally interchangeable with “aggro”
FATEFull Active Time Event – Large scale events which occur across all overworld maps; designed to support a large number of players
FCFree Company – Groups created by players for people to join; marked by “<<___>>” next to a players name while outside of duties. Free Companies are identical to “guilds” in other games
GCGrand company – Maelstrom, Twin Adders or Immortal Flames
GCDGlobal cooldown – The time between using most actions and being able to use them again. If using one action causes several other actions on your hotbar to go into a ~2-3 second cooldown (as most basic attack actions do), it is often called a GCD.
HardcastHardcasting is a term that’s usually associated with healing, often when resurrecting fallen players. To hardcast means to cast a spell for it’s full cast time, rather than using a buff (such as Swiftcast) to reduce the casting time
iLvLItem Level – A number attached to all pieces of gear which increases as your class level increases. Higher iLvL pieces offer better stats; a lot of content has a minimum iLvL requirement to enter
LBLimit Break – A special ability that can be used in content with four or more players; the gauge is split into three sections, with the power of the attack increasing with each section filled. Limit Breaks can be used by Tanks to offer protection and Healers to revive the party, but it’s used mostly by DPS players to end boss fights
MeldThe process of attaching materia to your gear in order to increase its stats
MTMain Tank – Used in content which requires two or more tanks to decide which tank will be holding aggro. The Main Tank typically starts the battle and maintains aggro for the majority of the encounter
oGCDOff-Global Cooldowns – Actions which can be used at any time and are not grouped within your GCDs. oGCDs can be used between GCDs, which is often required to attain the best DPS possible. These are occasionally just called “CDs”
OTOff Tank – Used in content which requires two or more tanks. The off-tank typically picks up aggro if the Main Tank dies or is debuffed. Off-tanks are also often responsible for picking up aggro on adds that appear during boss fights
Pop‘Pop’ is another way of saying ‘use’ with regards to skills or actions. For example “Pop your invuln!”; also used when waiting for FATEs to happen, or ‘pop’
PullTanking term; pulling an enemy simply means to begin combat with it. Tanks often pull enemies so they can establish aggro before other party members start attacking.
RotationThe pattern with which you use your skills; your rotation is usually shown by what I like to call the “yellow ant line” which surrounds the skill which comes next in that rotation
RPRole play – This one speaks for itself
SlidecastTo move in the last few moments of casting a spell, timed just right to let you move early without canceling the spell outright. This is tricky to get the hang of, but can be a good skill to master
SoakTo deliberately absorb the damage of an attack
SproutA new or inexperienced player; shown by a small green sprout next to their name
StackAn attack which should be shared by as many players as possible to reduce damage; forewarned by a set of white/yellow arrows around a player
TankbusterAn attack which is specifically to be soaked by a tank
Tank stackA combination of a Stack and a Tankbuster; a Tankbuster which is specifically designed for more than one tank
W2WWall to wall – To pull everything in a section of a dungeon until you reach a wall that cannot be passed until the enemies are defeated

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.