Fortnite Skillet NPC
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Fortnite: All Wanted Skillet quests and how to complete them

Living a life of crime in Fortnite isn't easy.

Fortnite’s first major Chapter 6, Season 2 questline isn’t about saving the world or being a hero with magical powers. Instead, you’ll experience the life of Chapter 6’s most notorious criminals and fight against Fletcher Kane himself to become rich.

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Fortnite Wanted: Skillet quest walkthrough

Fortnite’s Wanted: Skillet quest is a six-part series where you’ll work alongside Skillet, an infamous character in Chapter 6, Season 2, to break into Fletcher Kane’s vaults and steal his valuables. It may not be heroic, but it’ll reward you with a ton of XP. There are six stages of varying difficulties, so be prepared for a lot of conflict, particularly between you and other players.

Stage One

The first stage of Wanted: Skillet asks you to collect gold bars from safes or cash registers around Fortnite’s map. This one is relatively simple, only requiring you to explore the map and💦 open any registers or safes you encounter.

Fortnite cash register with gold bars
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Your best bet is visiting POIs like Whiffy Wharf, Canyon Crossing, and Seaport City, but most nam🌄ed landmarks have at least one or two cash registers inside convenience stores. You can also find plenty of safes in these locations, giving you plenty of options for gathering a few hundred bars for this quest.

Stage Two

During Skillet’s wanted series, your next goal is to talk to him at his hideout. You’ll find him inside the Black Market north of Crime City. Your quest markers will guide you here, letting you take a grind beam to him. He’ll tell you you’re performing a bank heist alongside one of his associates, leading you directly to your next objective.

Stage Three

Now that you have your next task from Skillet himself, it’s time to perform a bank vault heist. On your Fortnite map, you’ll see several vault icons in locations like Seaport City, Crime City, Masked Meadows, and Lonewolf Lair. You can also enter armored trains and trucks to perform their heists. Either way, as long as you approach one of these places and break into their vaults or shoot at its weak spots, you’ll complete this stage and move on to the next.

First, though, you’ll need some Thermite. You can collect some as regular chest, floor, and player elimination loot or open Go Bags for a guaranteed drop. Go Bags are small glowing containers that often spജawn in named POIs, giving you a quick and easy way to initiate a vault heist without worrying about getting ℱlucky and picking some Thermite up from a chest. Once you have some Thermite, use it on any vault door and wait until it cracks open to complete the stage.

Stage Four

Now that we’re successfully pulled off a bank heist, it’s time to help our associate, Valentina, do the same. Valentina is all the way in Outlaw Oasis targeting Fletcher Kane’s personal safe, so head on to the west side of Fortnite’s map to start this stage.

Fortnite Valentina payphone
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Once you’re in Outlaw Oasis, watch out for nearby payphones that you can sabotage. They’ll appear with white exclamation marks above them, letting you pinpoint their exact locations if you’re close by.

Stage Five

Next, you’ll need to get right into the nitty-gritty of the operation and help Valentina rob Fletcher Kane’s personal safe. Staying in Outlaw Oasis, approach Valentina and talk to her to signal that you’re ready to begin. Under normal circumstances, talking to her will initiate the task immediately, bringing you to Outlaw Oasis’ secret vault area.

Fortnite Valentina durign Wanted Skillet quest
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However, there’s a chance your task will be bugged while doing this, preventing you from completing the quest. It’s currently unknown whether Epic Games is aware of the issue. Fortunately, one known fix is to swap to a Ranked match and continue the quest. I can personally vouch for this option as someone who encountered this bug, but if it doesn’t, there’s a chance you’ll need to wait until Epic Games patches the glitch before continuing.

Once Valentina brings you to Fletcher Kane’s personal safe, you’ll fight off guards and other players as she cracks it open. After you defeat six guards, she’ll reveal what’s inside and complete the fifth stage.

Stage Six

The last part of Skillet’s Wanted quest is to spend your newly acquired gold bars. Fortnite offers multiple ways to spend bars, from visiting NPCs and buying their goods to going to a Black Market and purchasing consumables. Regardless of which you pick, spending at least 500 gold bars will complete Skillet’s Wanted quest, preparing you for Joss’ on March 4, 2025.

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Image of Madison Benson
Madison Benson
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Madison has been a long-time fan of all things gaming since her adventures playing Heroes of Might and Magic over 20 years ago. She began her journalism career in 2021 and often enjoys casual life sims, MMORPGs, and action-adventure RPGs in her spare time.