Skyrim: a pixelated image showing a head being chopped off by a sword.
Image via Seb263/Nexus Mods.

Fulfil your Skyrim bloodlust with this dismemberment mod

Heads will roll. And arms. And legs.

To quote the modern day poet that is one Marshall “Eminem” Mathers: Hi kids! Do you like violence? To add onto that, do you especially like Skyrim violence? While TES5 has its brutal moments, it evidently wasn’t enough for one person who felt the aging RPG needed just a soupçon of additional gore.

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Hacking and slashing is the name of the game with “Dismembering Framwork,” created by Nexus Mods user . If you’re tired of striking at foes with all your might only for them to just get knocked back and maybe bleed a little, this one’s for you.

You see, this mod adds in “real time dismemberment,” as well as “realistic blood splatters.” It’s even said to have “adaptive sound effects based on armor and weapon types” for when you really want to hear your sword connect with your opponent.

Become Skyrim‘s own freelance butcher

The above video is but a dangling hunk of tasty meat to really entice you in. Now, we all know the vanilla version of Skyrim already has a decapitation feature. However, it’s reserved for a kind of finishing move, whereas with “Dismembering Framework,” it all happens in real-time.

Note the ability to remove limbs with a swing of a sharp weapon. Any Khajiits giving you trouble? Simply lop off their tail and watch them dance around in agony, blood spewing from the wound. Dance. Dance in an aquifer of your enemy’s ichor!

Got a bit carried away there. Anyway, yes. As I was saying: Skyrim needs more violence. I honestly never realized how much I wanted the ability to sever off limbs when out and about in Tamriel. You really getღ to find out about yourself when you play games, yeah?

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Image of Andrew Heaton
Andrew Heaton
Andrew has been a gamer since the 17th century Restoration period. He now writes for a number of online publications, contributing news and other articles. He does not own a powdered wig.