Gen Con may leave Indiana if anti-gay bill gets final approval

Thඣis article is over 9 ye🐼ars old and may contain outdated information

Sorry bigots, you can’t have this one

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If you’ve been following the news over the past few years, then you are keenly aware of the debate and divide that gay rights has caused. Unfortunately, there is a segment of our population that wants to deny others their right to life and love, simply because they think a fictional book written by men tells them that butt sex is wrong.

Yes, in 2015 there are still people that blindly follow a boo✨k that was scribed when most of the population had no idea the earth was round or that evolution was even a thing. And now, those same people want to enforce their archaic beliefs on others.

Such is the case . Homophobic and hate-filled members of Indiana’s legislature to Gov. Mike Pence that will essentially allow business owners the “freedom” to deny services for same-sex couples.

Because of this, longtime gaming convention is considering leaving the state — and taking their money with them. Gen Con sent to the governor, urging him not to sign.

Good on Gen Con. Hate and ignorance should never be tolerated. Diversity in gaming and t🔯he surrounding culture is something to be celebrated, not overshadowed by spiteful men who seek to harm others.

[Badass Digest]

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