Germany wants to ban all violent videogames

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Evidently no one informed Germany’s 16 Interior Minister’s that E3 was going on this week because I’m sure if they had known they would have waited for a time when to the Bundestag (Germany’s equivalent of Parliament) to ban the production and distribution of violent videogames would have made a much bigger splash. Seriously, making a name for themselves is the only logical reason they could be trying to do this, especially since they seem to be in such a rush to do it before the upcoming elections on Sept. 27.

The proposal mentions the March 11 shootings that have stirred up so much anti-videogame propaganda in Germany recently multiple times, and that fact just adds to the idiocy of the whole situation. On top of German’s not being able to play violent videogames, German development companies wouldn’t be able to make them either. This means a company like Crytek would have to outsource its violent game development or possibly not make any at all. Sounds really great for your industry Germany.

Of all the countries in the world for this story to come﷽ out of,𝓡 Germany should really know better.

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