I hope you’re ready for a bunch of weird crap, because Talking to Women about Videogames: The Album is set to go live on Bandcamp in just a few days. The three “main songs” from the will be joining over 20 new tracks by the likes of Danny B (Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac), Matt Harwood (Bit.Trip, Homefront, Alien Hominid), Souleye (VVVVVV), Dale North (Christmas Crooner, Uncharted PS Vita reviewer), everyone’s favorite pedophilia inquisitor Jim Sterling, and many, many others.
I could not be happier with how this whole thing has turned out. The fact that this thing exists makes me feel proud to be alive. It also got leaked a few days ago for a about a day. That bummed me out at first, but the people that accidentally stole it said they liked it, so in the end I felt pre🌠tty good about the whole thing.
We’ve also shot two music videos to help promote the album (one for the and another for the ), so expect those to launch the same day or shortly after the album. On top of that, we’ll also be running a contest themed around the videos, so there will be the opportunity for you to win stuff too.
In the meantime, enjoy the public service announcement regarding Super Mario seen above, and sample of a track from the TtWaV album from the great Mark Byrom below. It’s the perfect dance anthem to rock in the New Year.
Eat my dust, Dick Clark.
Published: Dec 31, 2011 06:00 pm