Some of the best teenage romance books
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10 Great Teenage Romance Books Full of First Love

Fall in love with these stories

I’ve been reading since I was very young, and I’ve spent many hours in both public and school libraries wiꦦth my nose buried in a book. As a teenager, and admittedly ever since, I’ve found myself drawn to stories of first love and discoverౠy. 

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There are countless books about first love ou🐷t there, and they all come with their own heartwarming moments, as well as a whole heap of relatable moments. Over my many years, I’ve come across some books which stand out for 🔯their storytelling, or how long their lessons remain with you. I’ve scoured my physical and online libraries to list 10 of the best.

It probably won’t escape your attention that a lot of the books on♕ this list have been turned into movies. All of them are very good adaptations, and if you’re not willing to give up your time to read the books, then I can highly recommend each of their silver screen counterparts bef⛦ore diving into the source material. 

John Green (2012)

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
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Just going to start this list with possibly the most heartbreaking s🧸tory on it, , which has been adapted into a blockbuster movie.

Imagine meeting someone, falling irrevocably in love with them, and then losing them 𒁏to the scourge that is Cancer. Then, as if that isn’t bad enough, imagine doing this while battling your own fight against the disease during your teenage years. It’s a heartbreaking and terrifying prospect, you will sob while being unable to put this book down, and the story told by John Green will stay with you forever in some capacity. 

Holly Bourne (2017)

It Only Happens in the Movies by Holly Bourne
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Re🌱cently dumped by her boyfriend, with her parents going through a divorce, Audrey has given up on the idea of love and romance. At least until she gets a job and her coworker begins a relentless endeavour to win 🎃her over. 

I think we’ve all been in this si🦹tuation at least once, where love feels like too much hassle and having our heart broken all over again isn’t worth the risk of falling for someone new. Whether it’s happened recently, or we remember that feeling from our young♏er years, is relatable at any age and enlightening for a younger audience. 

Rachael Lippincott (2018)

Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott
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There’s a whole subsection of teenage romance books which revolve around young people with medical issues. I’ve noted one in The Fault in our Stars, 🌠but there are two more on this list, and is the second of them. It’s also been adapted into a movie.

Two teenagers with Cystic Fibrosis meet and fall in love, but cannot get within five feet of each other due to the risk of infections because of their compromised immune systems. They can’t touch, not to hold hands or god forbid they kiss, but the events which take place bring them much closer together than it’s safe for them to be. I honestly never thought I’d find a book to rival The Fault in Our Stars in terms of “this is going to break your heart”, but this one is definitely up there. Bring some tissues.

Nicola Yoon (2015)

Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon
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The last of our medically induced hardship romances is , 🔴which again, has been turned into a movie that I can highly recommend. 

Imagine spending your whole life in a self-contained bubble because you’re so sick ♊that even stepping foot outside of the bubble could cause you serious harm or worse. Then, a cute boy moves in next door and suddenly, you find yourself wanting to venture outside of the safety of home. That’s where this story starts, but it certainly isn’t where it ends. 

There’s an absolutely heartbreaking twist in Everything Everything which will have you questioning everything, but the true 𓂃joy in this book comes from the growth of its characters, as well as their love for each other and the determinatio💦n to be more than you think you can be. 

Tom Bromley (2002)

Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Tom Bromley
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Moving on to something slightly less gut-wrenching and more light-hearted, focuses o🎃n Will and his adventures upon joining a band. The singer of the band is rich, has the most amazing girlfriend who he insists on taking for granted, and Will wants better for her. Ideally, he would be the better person she would fall in love with. 

There’s a lot of sexual moments in this book, so I can’t say I recommend it to a particularly young reader, but I first read Crazy Little Thing Called Love when I was 14 and it didn’t do me any harm. The book still holds a space on both my shelf and in my memory, and I highly recom🔥mend giving it a try.

Jennifer E. Smith (2011)

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
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Let me set the scene: You’re stuck in JFK Airport after missing your flight, you’re having a horrible day, and you want to get to where you were meant to be. Suddenly, a cute boy catches your eye and you find out he’s British, and not only is he supposed to be on the same flight as you, but he’s sitting in your row. You spend the whole flight talking, only to lose track of each other upon landing without having exchanged co𓃲ntact details. 

plays out over a 24 hour period, tracking the story of two youngsters in their desperate efforts to somehow, miraculously find their way back to each other. Technically not teenagers, because she’s 20 and he’s 22, but they are each other’s first love so… I’m counting it. I’ve never forgotten this story, and it might restore your belief in love at first sight. 

Louise Rennison (1999)

Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison
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Of all the books on this list, this one is definitely aimed towards a younger audience who have yet to experience their first ‘true’ love. However, at the age of💧 33, I still love this book and the movie adaptation of it.

is actually the first book in a 10 book series which follows the coming-of-age story of Georgia Nicholson. There’s a lot of things that might make less sense to American readers than British, but if you can get past that, you’re in for a lot of laughs and lots of moments that anyone can relate to. Imagine Bridget Jones, but with far less life experience.

Justin A. Reynolds (2019)

Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds
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is one of those books which doesn’t wait until the end to break your heart and leave you emotionally scarred. Two teenagers, Jack and Kate, meet at a party. She wins his heart and his friends’ affection, and then she dies. But that’s not where the story ends, because if it was, this book wouldn’t have made my list. 

After her death, Jack is sent back in time to the moment when they first met, and he has the chance to prevent ꦗher from ever dying. But if he chooses to keep her alive, that choice has hefty consequences for someone else in his life, and he has to make the choice between changing history or simply reliving the sad tale all over again. 

Ned Vizzini (2006)

It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini
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The mo▨vie adaptation of is one of my favorite movies of all ꦍtime, and the book holds a special place in my heart. It’s not just a story of teenage love, but one of finding yourself and your confidence, overcoming mental illness, deciding what you want to be, and discovering hope for the future. 

The pressure of getting into the perfect highschool and making his parents happy sends Craig Gilner on a self destructive path of starvation, insomnia and, eventually, a suicide attempt. He checks into a mental hospital where he meets fri💜ends, and a beautiful girl, who help him find the joy in life and confront his anxieties.

Lynn Painter (2021)

Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter
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might be the only book on this list to be entirely centered around a teenage love triangle, and it’s a story that’s been told time and again throughout literary history. A girl has a crush on a boy, and her annoying (but attractive) neighbor is friends with her crush, and agrees to help her in her efforts to get her crush’s attention. 

However, it’s never that straightforward, and soon she ends up discovering that what she needs might have been under her nose the entire time. Better Than the Movies is about discovering that perfection doesn’t exist, and maybe you need to dig a little deeper to figure out what will really bring you happiness. It’s a cliché, but that doesn’t make it any less heartwarming♐ to read. 

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.