Here’s a few more quick looks at Super Mario 3D All-Stars gameplay

This article is over 4 years old andšŸŽ may containšŸ¤Ŗ outdated information 

Some swift Japanese ads provide more context

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So we got a fair bit of Super Mario 3D All-Stars gameplay out of that initial salvo of announcements, but thanks to some more advertising materials, you can piece togšŸŒ ethešŸ€…r a bit more.

It’s hard to believe that 3D All-Stars is nearly here, and that it’s set to go away early next year. But alas, that marketing strategy seems locked in at the moment, and it’s paying off for Nintendo: as 3D All-Stars is currently (at the time of publication) .

Here are a few fleeting looks at the game beyond the announcź©µemeš“†‰nt video, which you can view above.

First up is this quick bit of pure gameplay from the official Japanese Mario 35th Twitter account, showcasing an early level from Mario Sunshine and the hub zone. You can get a clear look at the game’s performance and visuals here.

By coź¦†mparison, this Japanese ad is a lot less insightź¦šful, only providing a few moments here and there.

This Super Mario 64 All-Stars ad also focuses on snippets of a fewšŸ§œ of the more iconic moments, then gives us glimpses of ensemble gameplay.

Finally, this Galaxy ad showcases the game’s two-player functionality via two Joy-Con.

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Image of Chris Carter
Chris Carter
Managing Editor/Reviews Director
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!