How passing time works in Hades 2

How does passing Time work in Hades 2?

Those plants are going to take a While.

Indeed, the Titan of Time may be the enemy in Hades 2, but that doesn’t mean all of time is against you. Knowing how the passing of Time works in Hades 2 is key in your struggle against Chronos.

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Time in Hades 2 gives you a good idea of how long certain in-game activities can take, but it doesn’t pass by any traditional means. In Hades 2, time moves via a unit of measurement called “While,” which moves in several ways.

While, and how the passing of Time works in Hades 2

That passing time, or While, is shown as a small clock symbol next to a number in Hades 2. The number represents how many While(s) need to tick by before that activity is done. So, if you’re cooking up an Alchemy recipe that takes 8 While to finish, you’ll need to do something to make that number tick down eight times.

How does passing Time work in Hades 2 - How much while for the cauldron
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Planting seeds in Hades 2 is a common activity that requires time to pass, but it’s not the only one. Here are all the activities that need time to complete:

There are ways to pass time while playing Hades 2. The first method is to, well, play Hades 2. Each Location (or room) you clear in a Region counts as the passing of 1 While. Since there can be around 14 Locations in a typical Regi𓆏on, something that takes 8 While should be done long before you face the Gu🐻ardian.

Some things do take much longer. Spending Obol Points to order 80 🦩Psyche from Charon takes 40 While, for example. Finishing an entire run of the game should get you there, though.

How does passing Time work in Hades 2 - how much while it takes to order Psyche
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The second way to pass While in Hades 2 is by spending time with companions. After you unlock communal areas in the Crossroads, you can invite friends and acquaintances to hang out for a bit. The first area you will likely unlock is the 🥀Hot Springs, which you can use so long as you have some Bath Salts and someone willing to꧂ casually strip down and chat.

There are three hangouts in the Crossr💖oads at whichꦆ you can pass time:

  • Hot Springs
  • Taverna
  • Fishing Pier

Using these areas spends some While. The amount of which is shown in details ♍area of the items you need to invite someone (while 💜in your inventory):

  • Bath Salts – Hot Springs
    • Passes 12 While
  • Twin Lures – Fishing Pier
    • Passes 16 While
  • Ambrosia – Taverna
    • Passes 20 While
How does passing Time work in Hades 2 - While amount for Ambrosia
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you’re waiting on some sweet Fate Fabric from your boy Charon and you have a bottle of Ambrosia you’ve been saving for the right person, taking a trip to the Taverna can help you get your goods to you faster. I’d even suggest planting seeds when you have a colleague in dire need of a soak in the Hot Springs and then inviting them to chill while your Thalamus happily grows into an unnerving, pinkish-white brain fungus. What a good day.

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Image of Cameron Woolsey
Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.