Monster Hunter Wilds Congalala guide

How to beat and break all parts on Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds

Everything you need to know to take down the putrid Congalala

The hairy gorilla-like Congalala is one of the first Large Monsters you’ll encounter in the Forests region in Monster Hunter Wilds. The Congalala is the first creature you’ll come across with the Stench mechanic, so let’s go over how to beat and break all the parts on the Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds as well as how to deal with its Stench.

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Monster Hunter Wilds Congalala guide
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Monster Hunter Wilds Congalala guide

The key to dealing with the Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds is to be cautious of his Stench mechanic and his brutally bad breath. The beast consumes the various mushrooms around 🌊the Forests region, which in turn affects the type of volatility his breath will excrete when he roars and expels it in your direction.

His primary attacks include a thrash of melee swipes, jumping into the air and belly flopping at your location, hurling a foul-smelling ball (I don’t want to know what this is) at you that inflicts Stench, attempting to fart on you, and attempting to harm you with his breath.

The breath attack in particular can be troublesome, because there are several different types including one that inflicts Stench, one that inflicts Poison, one that inflicts Paralysis, and o🐼ne that explodes dealing blast damage.

Throughout the encounter with the Congalala, be sure to stay out of any of the brown cloud-like odor that will emit from Congalala. He will spew it out in his breath occasionally, as well as sometimes randomly emit little clouds of it, and even via a putrid fart attack that leaves a b💮ig cloud 𝔍of it. Stepping into this brown cloud will inflict you with Stench.

How to deal with Stench

When you are🌳 inflicted with Stench you will be unable to use any items including Healing Potions and Antidotes. Stench does last for a set duration of around 60 seconds. If you look at the debuff in the top left, you will see it counting down to when it will fall off and you are no longer plagued b🐟y Stench.

Thankful🌱ly, there are two other ways to deal with and cure 🍷the Stench debuff. The first is to use the Deodorant item. This can be crafted very easily by combining one Smokenut and one Bitterbug Broth via the Crafting menu. When used, the Deodorant item is actually a small blue AoE around your character that immediately cures Stench on anyone nearby, so it can be used to cure friends of Stench as well.

The other way of curing St꧑ench is to simply submerge yourself completely in water. This can be the bigger lake-like bodies of water, or even a river running through the Forests, as long as you are able to submerge your character, it will cure the Stench debuff.

Both forelegs, the tail, and the head of the Congalala are all breakable parts, and his weak spot 🌳is his rear. Congalala is also weak to Fire and Ice Elemental Attacks, and can be affected by Flash Pods, Shock Traps, and Pitfall Traps. The Sonic Bomb, however, is not effective.

Congalala Loot Table

The Congalala features five different low rank materials when defeating, carving, and breaking specific parts off the beast. You can guarantee yourself a Congalala Pelt by damaging wounds or breaking the tail of the beast, and can guarantee a Congalala Claw by breaking either (or both) of its two forelegs. Most of these items are used to craft the handy Congalala armor set that increas🍒es your Stench resistance.

MaterialDescriptionFrequencyHow to Acquire / Drop Chance
Congalala PeltRarity 4 Equipment Material worth 280z. The pink fur of a Congalala. The tufts of fluffy hair are an ideal material for clothing.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Target Reward x1 – 27%
Broken Part Reward
Tail x1 – 100%
Wound Destroyed Rewards x1 – 100%
Carving x1 – 35%
Congalala ClawRarity 4 Equipment Material worth 420z. The long claw of a Congalala. Large and sharp, it gouges anything it touches.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Target Reward x1 – 23%
Broken Part Reward
Left Foreleg x1 – 100%
Right Foreleg x1 – 100%
Carving x1 – 20%
Vibrant PeltRarity 4 Equipment Material worth 616z. Vibrant hair that grows on the head of a Congalala. The lovely colors are proof of its position in its pack.⭐⭐⭐Target Reward x1 – 15%
Broken Part Reward
Head x1 – 100%
Carving x1 – 15%
Congalala FangRarity 4 Equipment Material worth 504z. A Congalala incisor. While blunt, it is tough enough to crush even the hardest of substances.⭐⭐Target Reward x1 – 27%
Carving x1 – 30%
Congalala CertificateRarity 4 Equipment Material worth 280z. A Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Congalala. Used to make equipment.Target Reward x1 – 8%

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Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.