In BitLife, pursuing any medical career is difficult, especially as you spend most of your early adult li👍fe in school and tackle student loans. Although the route to becoming a veterinarian differs slightly, it still has some challenges.
How to become a Vet in BitLife
Becoming a veterinarian in BitLife requires graduating from university with either a chemistry or biology degree before completing veterinary school. Graduating with any other de🎃gree type, including those under the science umbrella, will still make you unqualified for veterinary school, so chemistry or biology are your best options.
Graduate from university with a chemistry or biology degree
The first part of doing this involves your character aging up with high smarts stats. While maxing it isn’t required, high smarts help raise your odds of being accepted into university and obtaining a scholarship. After all, dealing with tens of thousands of dollars in student debt isn’t something you want to deal with if you don’t have to. If your character has low smarts, read books, visit the library, and study in school each year to raise the stat over time.
Once your character graduates secondary school, enrol them into university and choose either biology or chemistry as your major. If it doesn’t appear, close and reopen the BitLife app or age up and recheck your list. Numerous program options are available, so it isn’t guaranteed to show up immediately. Nonetheless, continue checking and refreshing; it’ll appear after a few tries.
Graduate from veterinary school
After completing your four-year university program in chemistry or biology, it’s time to go to veterinary school. You’ll find it in the same menu as university, with the entry requirements and duration being the same. The only difference is the tuition cost, as you’ll likely have to pay over $100,000 if you don’t get a scholarship. Regardless, you’ll just need to continue studying each year and staying out of trouble until graduation.
Becoming a veterinarian
Now that you’ve graduated from veterinary school, it’s time to become a vet. To do this, head into your full-time job list and look for the veterinarian position. Since you focused on vet school, you should find it almost immediately near the top of the list. Once you apply for a vet job and pass the interview, you’ll officially become a veterinarian in BitLife.
Published: Jun 19, 2024 12:34 pm